1813  失业保险基本情况20062007
Basic Conditions of Unemployment Insurance (2006-2007)
              Item 2006 2007
年末失业保险参保人数(万人) Year-end Active Contributors (10 000 persons) 193.01 196.65
 企 业     Enterprises 155.14 162.28
  #国有企业         State-owned 108.49 90.52
    集体企业         Collective-owned 26.31 21.45
  事业单位     Institutions 35.32 30.50
  其 他     Others 2.55 3.87
Actual Revenue of Unemployment Insurance in Current Year
  (10 000 yuan)  
44404.23 60253.23
失业保险实际支付人数(万人) Actual Payees of Unemployment Insurance (10 000 persons) 9.75 7.31
失业保险基金当年支出额(万元) Expenses of Unemployment Insurance in Current Year (10 000 yuan)   17758.45 19096.59
失业保险基金当年末结余额(万元) Balance of Unemployment Insurance in Current Year (10 000 yuan) 71536.90 113545.66
年末城镇登记失业人员数(人) Year-end Urban Registered Unemployees (person) 154141 141256
年末企业实有下岗职工人数(人) Year-end Laid-off Staff and Workers of Enterprises (person) 28825 19607
城镇登记失业人员就业人数(人)  Employment of Urban Registered Unemployees  (person) 156130 164224
本年企业下岗职工再就业人数(人) Reemployment of Laid-off Staff and Workers of Enterprises in Current
  Year (person)
6892 2852
Beneficiaries of Unemployment Insurance Per time in Current Year
  (10 000 person-time)
58.65 53.73
领取失业保险金人数(万人) Beneficiaries of Unemployment Insurance in Current Year
  (10 000 persons)
9.75 7.31