1814  基本医疗保险情况20062007
Conditions of Basic Medical Insurance (2006-2007)
单位:万元、万人 (10 000 yuan, 10 000 persons)
                  Item 2006 2007
城镇职工基本医疗保险参保人数 Contributors of urban workers in Basic Medical Insurance 257.49 284.67
    在职职工     Staff and Workers 160.09 180.02
    退休人员     Retirees 97.40 104.65
城镇职工基本医疗保险基金总收入 Total revenue of fund of Basic Medical Insurance from urban workers 278705.45 366614.55
城镇职工基本医疗保险基金总支出 Total expenses of fund of Basic Medical Insurance from urban workers 194389.16 241369.57
农民工大病医疗保险参保人数 Farmers Participating in Disease Medical Insurance 2.21
农民工大病医疗保险基金总收入 Total revenue of fund of Disease Medical Insurance from farmers 73.67
农民工大病医疗保险基金总支出 Total expenses of fund of Disease Medical Insurance from farmers