1815  体育事业基本情况20062007
Stadiums & Gymnasiums and Activities of Mass Sports (2006-2007)
            Item 2006 2007
体育经费(万元) Sports Expenditures (10 000 yuan) 15284 20456
体育彩票销售额(万元) Sales Value of Sports Lotteries (10 000 yuan) 25670 36756
体育场地数(个) Stadiums and Gymnasiums (unit) 17351 17351
#体育场 Stadiums 66 67
 体育馆 Gymnasiums 31 32
 游泳馆 Natatoriums 4 6
 室内外游泳池 Indoor and Outdoor Swimming Pools 120 120
 有固定看台的灯光球场 Illuminated Fields with Fixed Seating 70 70
《国家体育锻炼标准》达标人数(万人)     Number of Persons Come up to State Physical
  Training Standards (10 000 persons)
394 369
举办运动会或比赛次数(次) Times of Sports Meets or Races Held (time) 952 1253
当年新增等级运动员(人) Number of new Athletes in Grade (person)
    国际级运动健将     International Master Athletes 1
    运动健将     Master Athletes 13 21
    一级运动员     First Grade Sportsman 41 82
    二级运动员     Second Grade Sportsman 754 1151
当年新增等级裁判员(人) Number of new Referees in Grade (person)
    国际裁判     International Referees
    国家级裁判     National Referees 13 1
    一级裁判     First Grade Referees 196 221
    二级裁判     Second Grade Referees 1202 1073
Note: a) Sports Expenditures include sports funds and expenditure for sports capital construction.
          b) Number of stadiums and gyms refers to general survey in 2003.