1816  律师、公证、调解工作基本情况20062007
Lawyers, Notarization and Mediation (2006-2007)
            Item 2006 2007
律师工作 Lawyers
律师事务所(所) Number of Law Offices (unit) 348 337
律师工作者(人) Number of Lawyers (person) 4083 4002
#专 职     Full-time Lawyers 3453 3561
聘请担任法律顾问单位(处) Number of Units with Permanent Legal Advisors (unit) 6366 6937
民事诉讼代理(件) Agent of Civil Cases (case) 20291 25303
经济诉讼代理(件) Agent of Economic Cases (case) 5908 5308
刑事辩护(件) Defender of Criminal Cases (case) 6138 7929
行政诉讼代理(件) Agent of Administrative Action (case) 1052 885
非诉讼法律事务(件) Cases of Non-litigious Legal Affairs (case) 11470 5721
涉外及涉港澳台法律事务(件 Agent of Foreign-related, Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Legal Affairs (case) 528
解答法律询问(件) Advisory Services of Legal Affairs (case) 146895 139970
代写法律事务文书(件) Legal Documents Written on Behalf of Clients (case) 28764 15115
公证工作 Notarization
公证处(个) Number of Notarial Offices (unit) 41 41
公证员(人) Public Notaries (person) 193 180
办理公证书(件) Notarized Documents (case) 139989 149602
人民调解工作 Number of People's Mediation
专职司法助理员(人) Number of Full-time Judicial Assistants (person) 1734 2407
人民调解委员会(个) Number of People's Mediation Committees (unit) 14379 13767
调解员(人) Number of Mediators (person) 84418 82393
调解纠纷(件) Number of Disputes Mediated (case) 231696 206437
    婚姻家庭     Family Disputes 58278 66083
    房屋、宅基地     Housing and Housing Sites 11836 11628
    合 同     Contract Disputes 16206 17768
    劳 动     Labor Disputes 11512 16150
    邻 里     Neighbor Disputes 37401 45279
    赔 偿     Compensation Disputes 24394 31306
    其 他     Others 21656 18223