1818  公安机关受理查处治安案件情况2007
Offense Cases against Public Order
Handled by Public Security Organs (2007)
单位:起     (case)
案件类别 Category of Cases        
Number of Cases Accepted to be Treated Number of Cases Investigated and Treated
    Total 102607 90728
扰乱公共秩序 Disturbing Public Order 3694 3471
#扰乱公共场所秩序     Disturbing Public Place Order 831 824
 寻衅滋事     Making Troubles 953 802
    Do Harm to Social by Making use of Profane Religion,
      Superstition or Mocking the name of Religion 
128 124
妨害公共安全 Disturbing Public Safety 2990 2834
#违反危险物质管理规定     Violating Regulations on Management of Dangers 531 516
 非法携带枪支、弹药及管制刀具     Schlepping Firearms, Ammunitions and Restricted
      Sword unlawfully
1245 1237
 盗窃损毁公共设施     Robbing or Damaging Public Installments 679 579
侵犯他人人身权利、财产权利 Infringing Other Personal Right and Property 74667 63532
#殴打他人     Beating Other Body 38531 35433
 故意伤害     Intentionally Injury 4045 3678
 盗 窃     Larceny 19396 13467
 诈 骗     Fraud 2141 1331
 抢 夺     Robbery 864 592
 敲诈勒索     Extorting and Racketeering  493 400
妨害社会管理秩序 Disturbing Social Order  21256 20891
#违反旅店业管理     Violating Management of Hotels 1624 1593
 卖淫、嫖娼     Prostitution or Going Whoring 1509 1467
 赌博或为赌博提供条件     Gambling or Offering Conditions for Gambling 3697 3685
 毒品违法案件     Kef Illicit Case 7114 7096