1819  公安机关立案的刑事案件情况20062007
Criminal Cases Registered in Public Security Organs (2006-2007)
        Item 2006 2007
人民警察数(人) Number of Police (person) 26155 28490
刑事案件立案数(起) Total Registered Criminal Cases (case) 165865 161920
杀 人 Homicide 394 313
伤 害 Injury 3283 2917
抢 劫 Robbery 11079 9680
强 奸 Rape 871 702
拐卖妇女儿童 Abducting Women or Children 32 17
盗 窃 Larceny 116257 113437
诈 骗 Fraud 9674 11024
走 私 Smuggling
Forging Coin, and Selling, Buying, Transporting, Using False Coin 55 34
其 他 Others 24220 23796
刑事案件破案率(% Detection Rate of Criminal Cases (%) 26.6 27.2