182  卫生事业情况20062007
Statistics on Public Health (2006-2007)
        Item 2006 2007
执业(助理)医师数(人) Certified (Assistant) Doctors (person) 37511 38739
医院床位数(张) Beds in Hospitals (bed) 46563 49098
孕产妇死亡率(1/10万) Mortality Rate of Pregnant Women (per 100 000 persons) 63.5 50.2
新生儿死亡率( Mortality Rate of New Infants (‰) 6.9 6.0
急性传染病发病率(1/10万) Incidence Disease Rate of Acute Infections Diseases (per 100 000 persons) 337.4 333.8
农村饮用自来水人口比重(% Percentage of Rural Population Using Tap Water (%) 70.3 73.2