1823  人民法院民事、行政一审案件收结案情况20062007
First Trial Civil and Administrative Cases
Accepted and Settled by Courts (2006-2007)
单位:件     (case)
          Category of Cases        
Accepted Cases Settled Cases
2006 2007 2006 2007
民事一审案件 First Trial of Civil Cases 95831 109489 86197 93244
  婚姻家庭纠纷案件     Disputes of Marriages and Family Affairs 30557 34459 28672 31467
  继承纠纷案件     Disputes of Inheritance 515 774 445 644
  合同纠纷案件     Disputes of Contracts 44559 50828 39810 42265
  权属、侵权纠纷案件     Disputes of Ownership and Torts 20200 23428 17270 18868
行政一审案件 First Trial of Administrative Cases 2304 3308 2025 2692
Note: Accepted cases include turned over from the previous year.