184  卫生机构、床位、人员数2007
Number of Health Institutions, Beds and Engaged Personnel (2007)
机 构 类 别 Type of Institutions 机构数
管理人员 工勤人员
Health Institu-
tions (unit)
Hospital Beds (bed) Total Personnel (person) Medical Technical Personnel Other Technical Personnel Manage-
        Total 6292 74785 103670 83736 3101 7693 9140
医院、卫生院 Total Number of Hospitals 1447 70965 83553 66620 2591 6512 7830
 医 院  Hospitals 371 49098 56064 43759 1792 4913 5600
 #综合医院      Comprehensive Hospitals 269 35212 40959 32089 1361 3480 4029
   中医医院      Hospitals of Chinese Medicine 42 5719 7436 6060 138 554 684
     中西医结合医院         Hospitals Combining Chinese
          and Western Medicine
8 778 907 714 22 110 61
     口腔医院      Hospitals for Mouth Cavity
          Disease Care
1 40 323 223 3 42 55
     肿瘤医院      Tumor Hospitals 1 469 555 420 16 73 46
     胸科医院      Breast Hospitals 1 200 265 180 43 42
     妇产(科)医院      Hospitals for Maternity and
          Child Care
1 200 364 268 10 42 44
     儿科医院      Hospitals for Children 1 707 749 596 44 21 88
     精神病院      Mental Hospitals 19 3775 2004 1465 51 221 267
     传染病院      Hospitals for Infectious
3 267 232 165 17 20 30
 卫生院  Total Hospital Centers 1076 21867 27489 22861 799 1599 2230
  城市街道卫生院      Urban Subdistrict Hospital
27 1990 1180 968 25 71 116
  乡镇卫生院         Rural Township Hospital
1049 19877 26309 21893 774 1528 2114
门诊部 Clinics 41 98 493 381 19 48 45
采供血机构 Blood Centers 11 372 263 22 38 49
妇幼保健院(所、站) Maternity and Child Care Centers 40 1565 2674 2066 77 313 218
专科疾病防治院(所) Specialized Prevention &
  Treatment Stations
13 141 269 203 7 29 25
疾病预防控制中心 CDC (Epidemic Preventation
43 2333 1705 122 283 223
医学科学研究机构 Research Institutes of Medical
2 266 58 134 33 41
医学在职培训机构 Training Institutes for Medical
  Staff and Workers
7 108 68 5 23 12
健康教育所(中心) Health Care Training Centers 1 5 2 1 2
疗养院 Sanatoriums 6 1300 274 120 18 39 97
社区卫生服务中心 Community Health Service Centers 105 677 1427 1163 47 122 95
卫生监督所 Health Supervision Institute 42 1312 985 32 225 70
其他卫生机构 Other Health Care Institutions 8 39 84 13 26 26 24
诊所、卫生保健所、室 Clinics Hygienic Centers 4526   10500 10089     411
Note: Number of institutions in this table include individual-run medical units.