1910  各区县财政收支2007
Financial Budgetary Revenue and Expenditures by Region (2007)
单位:万元             (10 000 yuan)
    Region 区县级地方
# 一 般
#增值税 #营业税 #企业所得税 #个人所得税
Financial Budgetary
Revenue at District
(county) Level
General Budgetary Revenue Value-added Tax Business
  Total 3601167 2407344 287598 499423 119430 76757
#都市发达经济圈  Metropolitan Advanced
 Economic Sphere
1991588 1338034 114576 322173 62176 41226
    一小时经济圈     One Hour Economic
3089316 2004803 226226 423500 99009 60910
 渝中区  Yuzhong District 162531 155376 11636 63868 12001 11631
 大渡口区  Dadukou District 60844 57182 10357 9094 995 1097
 江北区  Jiangbei District 213118 186421 12040 38949 10298 4452
 沙坪坝区  Shapingba District 213958 201953 11704 28803 4577 3529
 九龙坡区  Jiulongpo District 168235 105798 14448 22968 4123 3020
 南岸区  Nan'an District 126062 95875 6111 21356 2277 2307
 北碚区  Beibei District 67347 57276 5291 9769 1662 1929
 渝北区  Yubei District 165093 147504 5690 43742 4553 4365
 巴南区  Ba'nan District 84826 74225 6806 10222 1586 1243
 万盛区  Wansheng District 33942 17766 5057 3053 1462 495
 双桥区  Shuangqiao District 15746 11662 4330 1091 379 201
 涪陵区  Fuling District 143719 92737 16629 16834 5922 2635
 长寿区  Changshou District 94983 63221 15310 10191 3743 2036
 江津区  Jiangjin District 128634 77724 16746 12368 6198 2672
 合川区  Hechuan District 109218 65555 7367 10803 2463 2076
 永川区  Yongchuan District 102688 69241 8825 12914 3063 2263
 南川区  Nanchuan District 49053 36151 6010 4875 3373 784
 綦江县  Qijiang County 66793 38302 8937 6546 2243 1205
 潼南县  Tongnan County 30462 19254 1968 2436 459 703
 铜梁县  Tongliang County 91135 50542 3479 4432 1246 1176
 大足县  Dazu County 55854 31960 3352 3942 1766 844
 荣昌县  Rongchang County 67168 39866 5937 5284 2006 1199
 璧山县  Bishan County 108333 52788 7703 6558 2510 1395
 渝东北翼  Northeast of Chongqing 354000 273866 36459 47202 13141 10443
 万州区  Wanzhou District 86458 66282 8967 15582 4618 2978
 梁平县  Liangping County 30369 27610 3099 3318 519 1053
 城口县  Chengkou County 10308 9829 1959 1385 552 213
 丰都县  Fengdu County 24641 18217 1784 3158 569 754
 垫江县  Dianjiang County 45750 29777 3883 3753 1299 1051
 忠     Zhongxian County 43142 27332 2237 3608 748 857
 开     Kaixian County 41506 35505 5959 5675 1368 1272
 云阳县  Yunyang County 19415 15776 2114 3468 503 877
 奉节县  Fengjie County 24638 22920 3329 3315 1038 576
 巫山县  Wushan County 16805 13688 2043 2572 1293 542
 巫溪县  Wuxi County 10968 6930 1085 1368 634 270
 渝东南翼  Southeast of Chongqing 157851 128675 24913 28721 7280 5404
 黔江区  Qianjiang District 46526 34238 8068 6272 817 1256
 武隆县  Wulong County 27155 20235 3959 3662 1122 611
 石柱县  Shizhu County 18021 15553 2104 3800 879 1075
 秀山县  Xiushan County 26371 23443 6831 3972 1814 1037
 酉阳县  Youyang County 15177 13363 1983 3210 1140 695
 彭水县  Pengshui County 24601 21843 1968 7805 1508 730
Note: Data of Metropolitan Advanced Economic Sphere and One Hour Economic Sphere include Chongqing High-tech and Economic &
          Technology Development Zones, which are excluded from districts of Jiulongpo, Nan'an and Yubei.