1917  开发区主要统计指标2007
Main Indicators of Development Zones (2007)
单位:万元       (10 000 yuan)
      Item 北部新区
经开区 高新区
Total Economic &
地区生产总值 Gross Domestic Product 3022606 1624360 1398246
工业总产值 Gross Output Value of Industry 10057696 5222754 4834942
工业增加值 Value-added of Industry 2484172 1112015 1372157
固定资产投资完成额 Completed Investment in Fixed Assets 2721514 1455775 1265739
#基础设施建设     Infrastructure Construction 610611 242267 368344
入库税金 Laid-up Taxes 1003506 575613 427893
开发区留成财政收入 Financial Budgetary Revenues 729574 325604 403970
进出口总额(万美元) Total Imports and Exports ( USD 10 000 ) 171994 135309 36685
#出      Total Imports 62157 29857 32300
征地面积(平方公里) Area of land acquisition(sq.km) 5.79 5.36 0.42
合同土地出让面积(平方公里) Area of land tranformation on contract(sq.km) 2.07 0.37 1.69
土地出让收入 Land Revenue 463626 289359 174267
招商引资签约合同投资总额 Absorbed Capitals on Contract 1475931 1063263 412668
#合同外资(万美元)     Foreign Capitals on Contract ( USD 10 000 ) 66188 42983 23205
招商引资到位资金 Absorbed Capitals Utilized 935825 573614 362211
#实到外资(万美元)     Foreign Capitals Utilized ( USD 10 000 ) 24146 15886 8260
工商注册企业数(个) Number of enterprise inviting business(unit) 2997 712 2285
工商注册企业注册资金 Registered Capital of inviting business 982327 568026 414301
      Item #北部新区  
经开园 高新园
Northern New Development Zone Economic &
开发区生产总值 Gross Domestic Product 1421870 1008521 413349
工业总产值 Gross Output Value of Industry 4711485 3759647 951838
工业增加值 Value-added of Industry 1038067 771233 266834
固定资产投资完成额 Completed Investment in Fixed Assets 1780353 963314 817039
#基础设施建设     Infrastructure Construction 473809 217110 256699
入库税金 Laid-up Taxes 573148 438526 134622
开发区留成财政收入 Financial Budgetary Revenues 547674 285761 261913
进出口总额(万美元) Total Imports and Exports ( USD 10 000 ) 120345 114248 6097
#出      Total Imports 21791 17877 3914
征地面积(平方公里) Area of land acquisition(sq.km) 5.36 5.36
合同土地出让面积(平方公里) Area of land tranformation on contract(sq.km) 1.43 0.37 1.06
土地出让收入 Land Revenue 312148 213463 98685
招商引资签约合同投资总额 Absorbed Capitals on Contract 1122358 815142 307216
#合同外资(万美元)     Foreign Capitals on Contract ( USD 10 000 ) 47160 35070 12090
招商引资到位资金 Absorbed Capitals Utilized 535823 300303 235520
#实到外资(万美元)     Foreign Capitals Utilized ( USD 10 000 ) 11228 7908 3320
工商注册企业数(个) Number of enterprise inviting business(unit) 533 161 372
工商注册企业注册资金 Registered Capital of inviting business 579000 397654 181346
Note: a) Statistics in this table are on basis of region, including Northern New Development Zone, Economic & Technology Development Zone and
              High-tech Development Zone.
          b) Laid-up taxes of Economic & Technology Development Zone excludes data of tobacco.