1918  经济技术开发区主要统计指标20062007
Main Indicators of Chongqing Economic and
Technology Development Zone (2006-2007)
                  Item 2006 2007
占地面积(平方公里) Land Area Used (sq.km) 93.30 89.83
企业数(个) Number of Enterprises (unit) 2750 3462
总收入(亿元) Total Revenue (100 million yuan) 496.18 725.76
地区生产总值(万元) GDP (10 000 yuan) 1110369 1624360
#第二产业     Secondary Industry 952977 128049
  第三产业     Tertiary Industry 152360 340564
税金总额(万元) Total Profits and Taxes (10 000 yuan) 385881 575613
地方财政收入(万元) Local Financial Revenue (10 000 yuan) 235026 325604
进出口总额(万美元) Total Exports and Imports (USD 10 000) 112204 149329
#出      Exports 17595 32059
当年批准外商投资企业(户) Foreign-funded Enterprises Authorized (household) 30 21
#投资额在1000万美元以上     With Investment over USD 10 million 9 10
外商投资企业投资总额(万美元) Contracted Capital of Foreign-funded Enterprises (USD 10 000) 102537 107924
外商投资企业实际到位资金(万美元) Actual Executed Fund of Foreign-funded Enterprises
  (USD 10 000)
29262 22757
#实际到位外资     Executed Value of Foreign Fund 19577 15886
年末高新技术企业户数(户) Year-end Total High-tech Enterprises (household) 93 86
高新技术企业产值(万元) Output Value of High-tech Enterprises (10 000 yuan) 2843659 4202728
    占工业总产值比重(%     As Percentage of Gross Output Value of Industry (%) 78.8 80.5
技术合同登记项目(项) Registered Projects of Technological Contracts (unit) 26 33
  成交金额(万元)      Business Volume (10 000 yuan) 2113 4534
全社会固定资产投资额(万元) Investment in Fixed Assets (10 000 yuan) 1227204 1455775
#基础设施建设    Infrastructure Construction 354570 242267
从业人员人数(万人) Employment (10 000 persons) 9.25 9.81
    人均地区生产总值(万元)     Per Capita GDP (10 000 yuan) 12.00 16.55
    人均工业总产值(万元)     Per Capita Gross Output Value of Industry (10 000 yuan) 38.98 53.22
    人均总收入(万元)     Per Capita Income (10 000 yuan) 53.62 73.95
    人均创税(万元)     Per Capita Taxes Created (10 000 yuan) 4.17 5.87