19-18 经济技术开发区主要统计指标(2006-2007年) | |||
Indicators of Chongqing Economic and Technology Development Zone (2006-2007) |
项 目 | Item | 2006 | 2007 |
占地面积(平方公里) | Land Area Used (sq.km) | 93.30 | 89.83 |
企业数(个) | Number of Enterprises (unit) | 2750 | 3462 |
总收入(亿元) | Total Revenue (100 million yuan) | 496.18 | 725.76 |
地区生产总值(万元) | GDP (10 000 yuan) | 1110369 | 1624360 |
#第二产业 | Secondary Industry | 952977 | 128049 |
第三产业 | Tertiary Industry | 152360 | 340564 |
税金总额(万元) | Total Profits and Taxes (10 000 yuan) | 385881 | 575613 |
地方财政收入(万元) | Local Financial Revenue (10 000 yuan) | 235026 | 325604 |
进出口总额(万美元) | Total Exports and Imports (USD 10 000) | 112204 | 149329 |
#出 口 | Exports | 17595 | 32059 |
当年批准外商投资企业(户) | Foreign-funded Enterprises Authorized (household) | 30 | 21 |
#投资额在1000万美元以上 | With Investment over USD 10 million | 9 | 10 |
外商投资企业投资总额(万美元) | Contracted Capital of Foreign-funded Enterprises (USD 10 000) | 102537 | 107924 |
外商投资企业实际到位资金(万美元) | Actual Executed Fund of
Foreign-funded Enterprises (USD 10 000) |
29262 | 22757 |
#实际到位外资 | Executed Value of Foreign Fund | 19577 | 15886 |
年末高新技术企业户数(户) | Year-end Total High-tech Enterprises (household) | 93 | 86 |
高新技术企业产值(万元) | Output Value of High-tech Enterprises (10 000 yuan) | 2843659 | 4202728 |
占工业总产值比重(%) | As Percentage of Gross Output Value of Industry (%) | 78.8 | 80.5 |
技术合同登记项目(项) | Registered Projects of Technological Contracts (unit) | 26 | 33 |
成交金额(万元) | Business Volume (10 000 yuan) | 2113 | 4534 |
全社会固定资产投资额(万元) | Investment in Fixed Assets (10 000 yuan) | 1227204 | 1455775 |
#基础设施建设 | Infrastructure Construction | 354570 | 242267 |
从业人员人数(万人) | Employment (10 000 persons) | 9.25 | 9.81 |
人均地区生产总值(万元) | Per Capita GDP (10 000 yuan) | 12.00 | 16.55 |
人均工业总产值(万元) | Per Capita Gross Output Value of Industry (10 000 yuan) | 38.98 | 53.22 |
人均总收入(万元) | Per Capita Income (10 000 yuan) | 53.62 | 73.95 |
人均创税(万元) | Per Capita Taxes Created (10 000 yuan) | 4.17 | 5.87 |