19-4  续表1  CONTINUED-1
    Region 农业商品
产  值
人  员
农 作 物
施 用 量
#粮 食
Value of
(10 000 yuan)
Rate (%)
(10 000
Cultivated Area
Sown Areas
of Farm
Grain Consumption
of Chemical
(net) (tons)
  Total 4686880 58.6 1378.29 1384645 3533977 2523937 843203
#都市发达经济圈  Metropolitan Advanced
 Economic Sphere
557693 63.0 129.25 108913 268831 169959 62725
    一小时经济圈     One Hour Economic
2863576 64.1 699.34 692453 1617894 1128604 424914
 渝中区  Yuzhong District
 大渡口区  Dadukou District 26903 97.5 3.36 1445 3871 612 3138
 江北区  Jiangbei District 24171 64.3 5.08 4161 6599 3823 5279
 沙坪坝区  Shapingba District 38888 68.8 11.17 8628 15094 7625 8713
 九龙坡区  Jiulongpo District 72401 84.7 13.43 7711 15845 7689 3842
 南岸区  Nan'an District 31397 65.2 6.95 4640 6525 2387 3223
 北碚区  Beibei District 61774 55.2 21.52 14819 34235 21588 8754
 渝北区  Yubei District 119292 55.4 33.27 27716 77106 50684 12161
 巴南区  Ba'nan District 182867 58.3 34.48 39793 109556 75551 17615
 万盛区  Wansheng District 23298 37.8 8.73 6269 22023 14324 8349
 双桥区  Shuangqiao District 2363 54.3 1.26 813 1953 1586 386
 涪陵区  Fuling District 215501 63.8 53.18 67002 159721 100107 40289
 长寿区  Changshou District 158103 61.0 42.40 36539 92348 75680 23553
 江津区  Jiangjin District 364894 69.6 74.51 67965 154586 109020 29927
 合川区  Hechuan District 238973 57.2 73.56 74270 170648 132491 29035
 永川区  Yongchuan District 199422 61.4 41.61 50196 99452 71975 53128
 南川区  Nanchuan District 152691 61.4 32.48 39085 93432 65747 34500
 綦江县  Qijiang County 163016 55.9 41.34 48907 116601 83270 28486
 潼南县  Tongnan County 186817 65.3 46.46 53470 122043 80258 28925
 铜梁县  Tongliang County 170192 67.0 39.42 41394 84876 67685 30632
 大足县  Dazu County 174920 63.5 41.78 42488 93572 66558 24129
 荣昌县  Rongchang County 152728 55.2 40.78 30527 85642 55005 22707
 璧山县  Bishan County 102965 69.3 32.56 24615 51240 34035 8143
 渝东北翼  Northeast of Chongqing 1379356 53.0 486.84 475820 1308700 978264 290012
 万州区  Wanzhou District 229204 59.2 75.38 57410 181449 122781 38449
 梁平县  Liangping County 127584 53.8 46.78 41952 101892 81524 30562
 城口县  Chengkou County 20156 40.3 11.27 17621 43655 33632 5308
 丰都县  Fengdu County 117567 56.0 41.10 37710 125021 88557 19218
 垫江县  Dianjiang County 138248 60.0 45.66 37672 90606 71476 40020
 忠     Zhongxian County 165279 63.9 44.36 53064 117255 90818 28592
 开     Kaixian County 200340 56.7 74.13 66104 182151 138015 43996
 云阳县  Yunyang County 134253 49.3 55.07 48025 151405 114678 22630
 奉节县  Fengjie County 137987 54.3 41.76 51323 138845 101674 23225
 巫山县  Wushan County 65187 46.9 27.41 34057 91243 67575 18058
 巫溪县  Wuxi County 43552 40.3 23.91 30882 84429 66750 19954
 渝东南翼  Southeast of Chongqing 443948 48.1 192.12 216372 607384 417069 128277
 黔江区  Qianjiang District 73631 52.8 28.29 28444 94024 64208 22161
 武隆县  Wulong County 84791 49.2 33.91 47366 114952 85882 24106
 石柱县  Shizhu County 49779 39.8 22.52 29308 76375 52058 17138
 秀山县  Xiushan County 84951 55.6 28.21 29598 82231 58388 21171
 酉阳县  Youyang County 68884 54.2 35.20 34756 99176 60205 20608
 彭水县  Pengshui County 81913 47.5 43.98 46900 140278 95994 23093