19-5  续表  CONTINUED
    Region 经济效益
Index of
Ratio of
Total Assets
to Industrial
Output Value
Ratio of
to Assets
Ratio of
Sales to
Overall Labor
  Total 187.7 12.6 59.7 97.1 127993
#都市发达经济圈  Metropolitan Advanced
 Economic Sphere
190.0 12.2 60.1 96.9 140893
    一小时经济圈     One Hour Economic
189.1 12.5 59.8 97.1 132603
 渝中区  Yuzhong District 227.5 6.8 63.9 100.8 223790
 大渡口区  Dadukou District 196.4 11.3 57.8 96.6 146937
 江北区  Jiangbei District 148.8 6.6 56.6 94.9 104761
 沙坪坝区  Shapingba District 183.4 11.5 65.6 99.3 138439
 九龙坡区  Jiulongpo District 178.5 11.1 57.2 96.2 139480
 南岸区  Nan'an District 196.0 13.1 65.0 96.3 142227
 北碚区  Beibei District 179.0 11.8 58.1 99.2 114377
 渝北区  Yubei District 252.3 20.0 62.2 95.9 205204
 巴南区  Ba'nan District 183.9 13.5 58.9 97.5 115174
 万盛区  Wansheng District 112.2 5.4 74.5 97.7 61494
 双桥区  Shuangqiao District 229.3 10.3 85.8 99.0 245084
 涪陵区  Fuling District 212.9 11.7 63.3 97.4 183310
 长寿区  Changshou District 271.3 17.9 44.3 98.2 172812
 江津区  Jiangjin District 220.6 11.8 63.3 94.7 181060
 合川区  Hechuan District 169.8 12.0 60.3 99.0 71373
 永川区  Yongchuan District 204.3 17.6 53.0 98.1 98262
 南川区  Nanchuan District 220.2 14.5 52.4 103.1 138886
 綦江县  Qijiang County 143.8 9.4 57.1 95.7 71449
 潼南县  Tongnan County 174.7 9.3 40.9 97.0 101787
 铜梁县  Tongliang County 183.1 12.7 57.2 98.1 103399
 大足县  Dazu County 210.6 24.4 50.9 98.5 88498
 荣昌县  Rongchang County 179.1 14.7 56.6 100.2 94508
 璧山县  Bishan County 187.0 17.0 58.4 97.5 84715
 渝东北翼  Northeast of Chongqing 176.4 11.7 57.7 95.6 84262
 万州区  Wanzhou District 144.2 7.2 62.4 94.4 86065
 梁平县  Liangping County 341.6 28.6 50.2 99.0 104475
 城口县  Chengkou County 280.8 29.9 52.0 103.6 99995
 丰都县  Fengdu County 159.0 8.7 63.1 97.1 98757
 垫江县  Dianjiang County 203.9 16.5 51.6 90.4 128112
 忠     Zhongxian County 180.4 10.3 35.2 95.5 82681
 开     Kaixian County 178.0 12.0 66.8 97.6 81756
 云阳县  Yunyang County 111.3 4.9 50.7 100.0 44596
 奉节县  Fengjie County 130.4 8.2 48.5 95.4 37591
 巫山县  Wushan County 111.4 8.9 69.9 94.0 37707
 巫溪县  Wuxi County 102.4 4.4 50.5 98.5 45850
 渝东南翼  Southeast of Chongqing 211.3 15.4 61.8 98.4 139771
 黔江区  Qianjiang District 410.2 22.6 60.5 98.0 426989
 武隆县  Wulong County 186.3 9.1 72.0 98.3 120423
 石柱县  Shizhu County 156.7 10.9 57.4 98.4 66055
 秀山县  Xiushan County 242.5 22.8 59.0 99.5 128542
 酉阳县  Youyang County 166.8 6.0 49.9 97.6 148969
 彭水县  Pengshui County 138.5 7.5 57.2 97.1 57498