196  各区县建筑业2007
Construction by Region (2007)
    Region 建筑企业
单 位 数
#住 宅
Number of Construction Enterprises (unit) Employment of Construction Enterprises
Gross Output Value of Construction (10 000 yuan) Space Floor under Construction (10 000 sq.m) Space Floor Completed
(10 000 sq.m)
Residential Buildings
  Total 2486 969706 11287118 13866.76 5750.65 4213.46
#都市发达经济圈  Metropolitan Advanced
 Economic Sphere
1354 463729 6452887 6996.19 2434.13 1746.63
    一小时经济圈     One Hour Economic
2034 793594 9579902 11447.6 4361.67 3240.67
 渝中区  Yuzhong District 303 55434 851348 1152.67 242.71 187.66
 大渡口区  Dadukou District 76 13339 203738 169.73 106.59 72.94
 江北区  Jiangbei District 104 35191 422223 485.33 165.45 105.85
 沙坪坝区  Shapingba District 165 50397 737544 780.69 316.77 230.13
 九龙坡区  Jiulongpo District 236 85295 1444514 1645.28 633.37 400.52
 南岸区  Nan'an District 104 34397 708887 297.10 76.98 54.32
 北碚区  Beibei District 54 25908 240981 314.54 181.65 136.87
 渝北区  Yubei District 214 91562 1150200 1173.29 332.41 266.76
 巴南区  Ba'nan District 98 72206 693453 977.56 378.21 291.58
 万盛区  Wansheng District 25 3887 54860 19.21 6.31 2.49
 双桥区  Shuangqiao District 4 285 3092 5.11 3.72 3.72
 涪陵区  Fuling District 98 56486 568120 670.19 264.67 194.58
 长寿区  Changshou District 39 36525 400059 755.49 276.38 208.72
 江津区  Jiangjin District 84 45050 409064 745.14 321.29 273.54
 合川区  Hechuan District 87 37383 224674 397.89 146.29 112.80
 永川区  Yongchuan District 73 56342 537276 604.85 256.07 204.41
 南川区  Nanchuan District 41 5144 48105 62.75 26.22 20.35
 綦江县  Qijiang County 45 11112 88224 117.58 58.61 39.92
 潼南县  Tongnan County 37 19267 339432 234.53 85.86 55.89
 铜梁县  Tongliang County 32 13109 104959 191.92 119.99 107.07
 大足县  Dazu County 34 12824 123302 225.31 111.61 86.86
 荣昌县  Rongchang County 37 19532 114286 215.77 121.46 85.06
 璧山县  Bishan County 44 12919 111564 205.65 129.07 98.63
 渝东北翼  Northeast of Chongqing 370 155882 1489444 2171.81 1228.66 870.28
 万州区  Wanzhou District 161 55201 638323 908.36 462.47 319.96
 梁平县  Liangping County 17 5705 76966 75.00 43.34 36.89
 城口县  Chengkou County 6 453 5750 13.28 1.79 1.28
 丰都县  Fengdu County 15 7665 62993 129.16 54.82 40.78
 垫江县  Dianjiang County 35 21104 102808 180.54 122.02 95.05
 忠     Zhongxian County 27 15311 160726 245.96 123.21 99.65
 开     Kaixian County 42 30391 220704 266.05 161.57 127.10
 云阳县  Yunyang County 21 5444 51247 72.84 40.05 34.28
 奉节县  Fengjie County 26 10863 142036 243.98 196.51 100.36
 巫山县  Wushan County 13 2026 12073 21.31 10.38 6.96
 巫溪县  Wuxi County 7 1719 15818 15.33 12.51 7.97
 渝东南翼  Southeast of Chongqing 81 20022 214662 244.07 159.5 102.51
 黔江区  Qianjiang District 27 7697 87522 60.39 44.24 28.27
 武隆县  Wulong County 19 3979 42894 64.44 41.69 36.21
 石柱县  Shizhu County 10 2525 38390 42.20 28.04 20.39
 秀山县  Xiushan County 10 2712 21127 37.27 22.34 10.73
 酉阳县  Youyang County 7 1610 13422 20.45 9.99 3.43
 彭水县  Pengshui County 8 1499 11308 19.32 13.19 3.49
Note: Data in this table exclude construction enterprises of work subcontractors.