19-8  续表  CONTINUED
    Region 商 品 房
  商 品 房
#住 宅 #住 宅 #住 宅
Floor Space
Completed of
Buildings (sq.m)
Floor Space Sold
of Commercial
Buildings (sq.m)
Sales Revenue
of Commercial
Buildings (sq.m)
  Total 22530705 17691885 35529225 33101292 9673125 8567327
#都市发达经济圈  Metropolitan Advanced
 Economic Sphere
13831057 10550876 23008563 21705125 7700859 6970481
    一小时经济圈     One Hour Economic
19676588 15508459 31020079 29085743 9035100 8071259
 渝中区  Yuzhong District 530539 337650 840913 763269 332377 283237
 大渡口区  Dadukou District 837590 654691 899398 879919 246159 230877
 江北区  Jiangbei District 1668247 1198650 3068795 2844578 1171010 1042013
 沙坪坝区  Shapingba District 1471476 1102285 2422382 2353799 774632 732753
 九龙坡区  Jiulongpo District 2596782 1936765 3452286 3147011 1036167 851777
 南岸区  Nan'an District 2776016 2021318 4259019 4102512 1469300 1377540
 北碚区  Beibei District 443605 362407 873079 820468 224209 204504
 渝北区  Yubei District 2311459 1902886 5893388 5518503 2161349 1970042
 巴南区  Ba'nan District 1195343 1034224 1299303 1275066 285656 277738
 万盛区  Wansheng District 14499 13177 64096 61161 9219 8532
 双桥区  Shuangqiao District 77900 56013 131780 118606 14856 11636
 涪陵区  Fuling District 291604 226561 432969 401675 82114 74690
 长寿区  Changshou District 840062 737171 929352 843272 221999 140217
 江津区  Jiangjin District 1016143 890270 951244 882190 147838 129458
 合川区  Hechuan District 716177 635170 1063472 976709 177593 155744
 永川区  Yongchuan District 584147 460057 991152 911936 184587 152375
 南川区  Nanchuan District 320914 277336 470016 443722 71536 64289
 綦江县  Qijiang County 280394 180816 495066 436656 74777 62458
 潼南县  Tongnan County 158072 137615 337715 300455 40073 31244
 铜梁县  Tongliang County 320712 308325 537542 521771 78650 74966
 大足县  Dazu County 363773 321212 461478 418418 59944 49776
 荣昌县  Rongchang County 430420 376999 533540 498411 72667 61545
 璧山县  Bishan County 430714 336861 612094 565636 98388 83848
 渝东北翼  Northeast of Chongqing 2585174 1957491 3891432 3455834 529942 424411
 万州区  Wanzhou District 580256 306771 1500935 1418279 236199 211361
 梁平县  Liangping County 157578 137649 193848 187397 19427 18159
 城口县  Chengkou County 14000 12800 38071 32526 3912 3168
 丰都县  Fengdu County 93520 79185 223218 115490 25302 9070
 垫江县  Dianjiang County 328927 303092 389186 355961 45631 36825
 忠     Zhongxian County 370060 326147 456579 428710 53544 46344
 开     Kaixian County 711922 526216 434630 318243 74431 36495
 云阳县  Yunyang County 177498 123028 177788 139742 21436 17825
 奉节县  Fengjie County 133613 128243 429433 414608 45073 41637
 巫山县  Wushan County 2866 1460
 巫溪县  Wuxi County 17800 14360 44878 44878 3527 3527
 渝东南翼  Southeast of Chongqing 268943 225935 617714 559715 108083 71657
 黔江区  Qianjiang District 79004 68130 186658 177189 31005 25953
 武隆县  Wulong County 35162 19182 137509 122994 27579 18220
 石柱县  Shizhu County 87760 79382 131312 123632 12985 10990
 秀山县  Xiushan County 49617 44517 37014 28898 7459 2962
 酉阳县  Youyang County 17400 14724 37896 32440 4842 3132
 彭水县  Pengshui County     87325 74562 24213 10400