212  按支出法计算的地区生产总值20062007
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach (2006-2007)
单位:亿元     (100 million yuan)
      Item 2006 2007
本市生产总值 Gross Domestic Product 3566.78 4303.84
最终消费支出 Final Consumption Expenditure 2046.98 2460.49
 居民消费支出     Household Consumption Expenditure 1518.47 1840.40
   食品类支出         Foods 548.71 703.50
    衣着类支出         Clothes 118.33 154.18
    居住类支出         Residence 101.29 127.42
    家庭设备、用品及服务类支出         Family Facilities and Servises 89.32 114.37
    医疗保健类支出         Medical and Hygiencic Expenditure 115.12 127.46
    公共医疗消费支出         Public Health 23.32 30.84
    交通和通信类支出    Traffic and Telecommunications 137.11 165.79
    文教娱乐用品及服务类支出         Teathing, Entertainment and Services 190.00 198.94
    间接计算的金融中介服务支出         Expenditure of Media Financial Services by Indirected
44.49 52.67
    直接付费的金融服务支出         Expenditure of Financial Services by directed pay 1.94 2.29
    保险服务消费支出         Consumption of Insurance Services 1.13 1.31
    自有住房服务虚拟支出         Fictitious Expenditure of Own Housing Services 72.77 80.61
    实物消费支出         Reality Consumption 45.00 45.90
    其他商品和服务类支出         Other Goods and Services 29.94 35.12
  #农村居民支出         Agricaltural Households Expenditure 354.55 410.79
     食品类支出             Foods 174.30 212.65
      衣着类支出             Clothes 17.15 20.12
      居住类支出             Residence 21.07 22.33
      家庭设备、用品及服务类支出             Family Facilities and Servises 17.87 20.41
      医疗保健类支出             Medical and Hygiencic Expenditure 24.18 24.88
      公共医疗消费支出             Public Health 0.06 0.60
      交通和通信类支出        Traffic and Telecommunications 28.25 30.80
      文教娱乐用品及服务类支出             Teathing, Entertainment and Services 28.73 30.36
      间接计算的金融中介服务支出             Expenditure of Media Financial Services by
             Indirected Calculation 
8.56 10.27
      直接付费的金融服务支出             Expenditure of Financial Services by directed pay 0.68 0.78
      保险服务消费支出             Consumption of Insurance Services 0.12 0.14
      自有住房服务虚拟支出             Fictitious Expenditure of Own Housing Services 28.61 31.69
      其他商品和服务类支出             Other Goods and Services 4.97 5.76