2-14  续表1  CONTINUED-1
单位:%       ( %)
  生产总值构成 公有制经济 非公有制经济  
个体私营经济 外商港澳台经济
Year Compositon of Gross
Domestic Product
Individual and Private Funded by HK, Macao, Taiwan & Foreign
1996 100.0 75.1 24.9 21.8 3.1
1997 100.0 73.6 26.4 22.6 3.8
1998 100.0 68.9 31.1 27.6 3.5
1999 100.0 66.8 33.2 29.3 3.9
2000 100.0 64.6 35.4 31.3 4.1
2001 100.0 61.2 38.8 34.5 4.3
2002 100.0 58.0 42.0 35.8 6.2
2003 100.0 54.2 45.8 37.4 8.4
2004 100.0 51.9 48.1 41.9 6.2
2005 100.0 49.6 50.4 43.6 6.8
2006 100.0 47.0 53.0 44.4 8.6
2007 100.0 44.9 55.1 45.3 9.8
公有制经济 非公有制经济    
个体私营经济 外商港澳台经济
Year Compositon of Gross
Domestic Product
Individual and Private Funded by HK, Macao, Taiwan & Foreign
1996 111.2 107.4 126.0 128.3 113.0
1997 111.0 105.2 130.2 130.0 131.4
1998 108.4 102.1 125.5 129.2 102.8
1999 107.6 104.5 114.4 114.1 117.0
2000 108.5 105.2 115.1 115.4 112.5
2001 109.0 103.1 119.6 120.1 115.9
2002 110.3 104.4 119.5 114.6 158.2
2003 111.5 104.3 121.3 116.3 149.8
2004 112.2 107.3 117.9 125.8 82.8
2005 111.5 106.6 116.8 116.0 122.3
2006 112.2 106.2 118.2 114.7 140.8
2007 115.6 110.4 120.3 118.3 130.7