201  三峡工程重庆库区移民安置情况2007年底止
Resettlement of Residents in Chongqing
Reservoir Area of Three Gorges Project (End of 2007)
单位:人           (person)
    Item       迁 人 口          
Residents ought to
be Resettled 
Actually Resettled Residents
合计 城镇 乡村 合计 城镇 乡村      
县内安置 县外安置  
Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Resettled inside the County Resettled outside the County Resettled outside Chong-qing
搬迁总人数 Total Resettled
1138049 648570 489479 1074135 615330 458805 282967 175838 123738