202  三峡工程重庆库区农村移民生产安置情况2007年底止
Resettlement of Rural Residents for Production in Chongqing
Reservoir Area of Three Gorges Project (End of 2007)
单位:人                 (person)
     Item 应迁人口 实际生产
Resettled inside the County  
  农业安置 二、三
其他 #市外
Residents ought to be Resettled Actually Resettled Residents Sub-total Engaged in Agriculture Engaged in Secondary & Tertiary Industry  Others Resettled outside the County Resettled outside Chong-qing
搬迁总人数 Total Resettled
332419 440916 272540 184471 33079 54990 168376 122557
90米以下 Below 90m 33909 19052 18169 14449 1605 2115 883 674
90-135 90-135m 132078 96403 53736 31391 5627 16718 42667 27719
135-156 135-156m 114957 181991 99063 73183 9159 16721 82928 61901
156-175 156-175m 51475 143470 101572 65448 16688 19436 41898 32263