203  三峡移民工程投资完成情况2007
Completed Investment in Three Gorges Resettlement (2007)
单位:万元           (10 000 yuan)
        Item 工程设计
总 投 资
Total Resettlement Funds on Plan Total Investment Completed Investment Planned in This Year Investment Completed in This Year
合 计 Total 3717609 3954182 3917398 143419 142669
农村移民安置 Resettlement of Rural Residents 853941 837159 44495 40952
内迁生产安置 Resettlement Inside for Production 265450 212158 18539 22228
 土地开发     Land Development 228312 178047 16634 20533
 小型水利设施     Mini Water Conservancies 18594 12596 1372 1370
 过渡期生活补助     Living Subsidies During Interim 18543 21514 533 325
内迁生活安置 Resettlement Inside for Living 309978 293858 25957 18724
 基础设施     Capital Construction 12286 27205 271 428
 农村道路     Rural Roads 11246 13043 260 542
 农村建房     Rural Buildings  246761 197071 23898 16091
 村组副业     Other Avocations Founding 3333 3443 60 60
 搬迁补偿                       Compensation for Resettlement 375 3866
 学校搬迁补偿                   Compensation for School Moving 1334 1403 16
 其 他                           Others 34643 47827 1467 1587
外迁生产安置 Resettlement Outside for Production 171895 231654
外迁生活安置 Resettlement Outside for Living 106618 99489
城市迁建 Resettlement and Reconstruction
   of Cities
1505985 1441695 1454172 58273 59280
基础设施 Capital Construction 832975 898249 916921 34724 35683
 征 地     Land Requisition 150490 242796 262603 8634 9172
 场地平整     Ground Grading 63637 91774 106238 6096 5821
 道 路     Roads 277461 311284 294526 12453 12471
 大中型桥梁     Bridges of Large & Medium-sized 33525 33254 32432 100
 给排水     Water Supply and Drainage 114504 95127 99231 4382 5389
 邮电通讯                       Posts and Communications 11514 13563 13442 733 593
 广播电视                       Broadcasting and TV 5825 2236 3398
 防洪护岸     Flood Prevention and Embankment 72440 30171 34722 227
 输气管道     Gas Tubes 18919 6297 9181 200 200
 输变电     Transmission and Transformer
26425 24835 23258 1564 1608
 绿 化     Afforestations 3111 11509 10774 94
 其 他     Others 55123 35403 27117 435 236
城市建房 Urban Buildings 673011 543446 537251 23549 23597
集镇迁建 Resettlement and Reconstruction
  of Towns
230356 268672 261226 10622 12576
基础设施 Capital Construction 70036 98217 96516 4011 5455
集镇建房 Buildings in Towns  138248 148652 137355 6612 7122
道 路 Roads 22072 21803 27355
工矿企业迁建 Resettlement and Reconstruction of
  Industrial and Mineral Enterprises
1187012 791368 775113 12567 15098
专项设施复建 Reconstruction of Special Establishment 741537 477346 469025 8157 8659
公 路 Highways 187137 160759 161069 1985 1973
大中型桥梁 Bridges of Large & Medium-sized 60074 51719 51151 394 362
港口码头 Quays at Ports 148195 103007 98283 2987 3205
 港 口                           Ports 10355 20276 17071 300 300
 码 头                           Quays 136645 81765 80336 2646 2905
 停靠站                         Harbours 1195 966 876 41
水电站 Hydro-power Stations  111498 34476 31941 43 1110
抽水站  Pumping Stations 2416 3328 2134 399 478
输变电 Transmission and Transformer Substations 25229 22713 26319 420 593
    110KV变电站                    110KV Substations 3751 1948 1695
    110KV输电线路                  110KV Transmission Circuits 7833 3365 4637 25
    35KV及以下变电站               35KV and below Substations 4267 6250 5587 105 100
    35KV及以下输电线             35KV and below Transmission Circuits 9378 11151 14400 290 493