214  按登记注册类型分的企业法人单位数20042007
Number of Enterprises as Judicial Entities by Registered Type(2004-2007)
单位:个   (unit)
      item 2004 2005 2006 2007
    Total 49841 57973 71427 82609
内资 Domestic-funded Enterprises 49102 57124 70411 81541
  国有     State-owned 2606 2708 2945 2983
  集体     Collective-owned 5043 5054 4922 4883
  股份合作     Cooperative Share Holding Enterprises 1462 1600 1664 1680
  联营     Joint Ownership 256 291 405 420
    国有联营         State-owned 22 30 38 40
    集体联营         Collective-owned 81 90 126 127
    国有与集体联营         Joint State-collective Enterprises 44 45 49 48
    其他联营         Others 109 126 192 205
  有限责任公司     Limited-liability Corporations 8610 9998 12041 13964
    国有独资公司         State Sole Funded 311 349 423 474
    其他有限责任公司         Other Limited-liability Corporations 8299 9649 11618 13490
  股份有限公司     Share Holding Limited Companies 1829 2178 2547 2808
  私营     Private 28344 34413 45622 54505
    私营独资         Private-funded Enterprises 11288 12803 15884 18347
    私营合伙         Private Partnership Enterprises 2573 3145 4039 4933
    私营有限责任公司         Private Limited Liability Corporations 12665 16166 22625 27333
    私营股份有限公司         Private Share Holding Limited Companies 1818 2299 3074 3892
  其他     Others 952 882 265 298
港、澳、台商投资 Enterprises Funded by Hong Kong,Macao and
345 371 430 452
  合资经营     Joint-venture Enterprises 193 203 227 240
  合作经营     Cooperative Enterprises 16 15 17 14
  独资经营     Enterprises with Sole Funded 131 146 179 188
  投资股份有限公司     Share Holding Limited Companies 5 7 7 10
外商投资 Foreign-funded Enterprises 394 478 586 616
  中外合资经营     Joint-venture Enterprises 249 298 338 340
  中外合作经营     Cooperative Enterprises 18 22 22 23
  外资企业     Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds 117 146 202 231
  外商投资股份有限公司     Share Holding Limited Companies with foreign
10 12 24 22