319  城镇经济单位就业人员变动情况20062007
Variation of Employment in Urban Economic Units (2006-2007)
单位:万人、%       (10 000 persons, %)
     Item 就业人员变动情况        
Variation of Employment Composition
2006 2007 2006 2007
    Total 37.51 36.83 100.0 100.0
按来源分 By Source
    Urban 8.77 10.55 23.4 28.6
    Rural 14.75 11.15 39.3 30.3
大中专技校毕业生 Graduates from Universities Specialized Secondary
  Schools and Technical Training Schools
3.87 6.07 10.3 16.5
    Others 10.12 9.06 27.0 24.6
按去向分 By Assignment
国有经济单位 State-owned Units 14.17 12.59 37.8 34.2
集体经济单位 Collective-owned Units 2.34 1.09 6.2 3.0
其他经济单位 Other Types of Urban Ownership 21.00 23.15 56.0 62.8