33  常住人口及城镇化率19962007
Resident Population and
Rate of Urban Population (1996-2007)
单位:万人       (10 000 persons)
    常住人口   城镇化率
城 镇 乡 村
Year Resident
Rate of Urban
Urban Rural
1996 2875.30 848.21 2027.09 29.5
1997 2873.36 890.74 1982.62 31.0
1998 2870.75 935.86 1934.89 32.6
1999 2860.37 981.11 1879.26 34.3
2000 2848.82 1013.88 1834.94 35.6
2001 2829.21 1058.12 1771.09 37.4
2002 2814.83 1123.12 1691.71 39.9
2003 2803.19 1174.55 1628.64 41.9
2004 2793.32 1215.42 1577.90 43.5
2005 2798.00 1265.95 1532.05 45.2
2006 2808.00 1311.29 1496.71 46.7
2007 2816.00 1361.35 1454.65 48.3