410  城镇建设与改造新增主要产品生产能力20062007
Newly Increased Production Capacity
through Urban Construction and Innovation (2006-2007)
能力名称 Production Capacity 2006 2007
铁合金(万吨/年)  Iron Alloy, Electric Furnace (10 000 tons/year)            3 4
原煤开采(万吨/年)  Coal Mining (10 000 tons/year) 328 541
发电机组容量(万千瓦)   Capacity of Power Generating Sets (10 000 kw/year)      241 265
  火 电                          Thermal Power                          214 245
  水 电                          Hydropower                             27 20
汽车制造(万辆/年)  Motor Vehicles (10 000 units/year) 23 4
水泥(万吨/年)   Cement (10 000 tons/year) 272 535
棉纺锭(万锭)  Cotton Spindles (10 000 units) 1
机制纸及纸板(万吨/年)  Machine-made Paper and Paperboards (10 000 tons/year)     4
新建铁路主线正线交付营业里程(公里)      Length of Newly Built Railways Put into Operation (km)
新(扩)建港口码头年吞吐量(万吨) Annual Handling Capacity of new (extension) port (10 000 tons) 324 149
泊 位(个) Number of Berth (unit) 11 20
新建公路(公里)  Length of New Highways (km) 1081 3052
改建公路(公里)   Length of Reconstructed Highways (km) 2154 6572
各类院校:学生席位(个)  Students Capacity of Various Schools (unit)      328032 271743
医院病床床位(张)   Number of Hospital Beds (bed)                 2389 4794
城市自来水供水能力(万吨/日)  Tap Water Supply Capacity (10 000tons/day) 10 25