413  房地产开发主要指标20062007
Main Indicators of Real Estate Development (2006-2007)
             Item 2006 2007
企业个数(个) Number of Enterprises (unit) 1936 2039
内资企业 Domestic Funded 1828 1927
#国 有     State-owned 70 70
    集 体     Collective-owned 19 16
港、澳、台投资企业 Funded by Entrepreneurs from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 83 83
外商投资企业 Foreign Funded 25 29
从业人员(人) Employment (person) 70094 87606
内资企业 Domestic Funded 65994 83225
#国 有     State-owned 2563 2576
 集 体     Collective-owned 502 312
港、澳、台投资企业 Funded by Entrepreneurs from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 3004 3519
外商投资企业 Foreign Funded 1096 862
土地开发及购置(万平方米) Land Development and Purchase (10 000 sq.m)
本年完成土地开发面积 Land Space Developed in This Year 804.10 1191.82
本年土地购置面积 Land Space Purchased in This Year 1467.69 1737.74
本年完成投资总额(万元) Investment Completed in This Year (10 000 yuan) 6296300 8498966
#土地开发投资     Land Development Investment 211949 582832
按工程用途分 By Use of Projects
    住 宅     Residential Buildings 3767847 5218209
    #别墅、高档公寓         Villas and Senior Flats 380639 497984
        经济适用房屋         Economical Houses 262637 360456
    办公楼     Office Buildings 127580 166212
    商业营业用房     Commercial Buildings 696098 752126
    其 他     Others 1704775 2362419
资金来源(万元) Total Funds by Source (10 000 yuan) 9985438 15546697
#国内贷款     Domestic Loans 1797873 2518261
  利用外资     Foreign Investment 45106 149069
  自筹资金     Self-raising Fund 2406504 3587485
房屋建筑面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings (10 000 sq.m)
施工面积 Floor Space under Construction 8864.37 10578.84
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 6655.00 8179.29
竣工面积 Floor Space Completed 2224.84 2253.07
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 1700.05 1769.19
本年新开工面积 Floor Space Started in This Year 2709.28 3555.87
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 2176.75 2903.82
商品房销售 Sales of Commercial Buildings
商品房销售面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Sales (10 000 sq.m) 2228.46 3552.92
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 2011.70 3310.13
商品房销售额(万元) Total Sales of Commercial Buildings (10 000 yuan) 5056850 9673125
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 4186980 8567327
实收资本合计(万元) Total Capital Hold (10 000 yuan) 5412974 5450696
#国家资本金     State Capital 499913 619941
资产负债率(% Ratio of Liabilities to Assets (%) 72.5 71.5
房地产开发经营情况(万元) Real Estate Development and Management (10 000 yuan)
经营总收入 Total Revenue  4639581 7589957
#土地转让收入     Land Transferred 71960 90684