414  商品房施工、竣工和销售面积情况20062007
Floor Space of Construction, Completion,
and Sales of commercial Buildings (2006-2007)
单位:万平方米     (10 000 sq.m)
         Item 2006 2007
商品房施工面积  Floor Space of Commercial Buildings under Construction 8864.37 10578.84
#主城九区     Urban District 6113.22 7110.12
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 6655.00 8179.29
 #别墅、高档公寓         Villas and Good Apartments 418.46 556.38
  经济适用房屋         Economical Houses 535.76 782.63
 办公楼     Office Buildings 228.33 256.26
 商业营业用房     Houses for Business Use 1333.81 1301.23
商品房竣工面积  Floor Space of Commercial Buildings Completed 2224.84 2253.07
#主城九区     Urban District 1490.70 1383.11
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 1700.05 1769.19
 #别墅、高档公寓         Villas and Good Apartments 121.83 67.84
  经济适用房屋         Economical Houses 135.22 147.09
 办公楼     Office Buildings 57.43 45.17
 商业营业用房     Houses for Business Use 328.55 270.47
商品房销售面积  Floor Space of Commercial Buildings Sold 2228.46 3552.92
#主城九区     Urban District 1324.99 2300.86
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 2011.70 3310.13
 #别墅、高档公寓         Villas and Good Apartments 115.26 174.46
  经济适用房屋         Economical Houses 149.10 235.84
 办公楼     Office Buildings 31.30 39.20
 商业营业用房     Houses for Business Use 152.63 169.63