417  重点项目完成情况2007
Basic Situation of Important Projects Completed(2007)
单位:万元   ( 10 000 yuan )
           Item 完成投资
Accumulated Investment Completed
重点项目投资完成额(万元) Completed investment of Important Projects 9022494
  交通     Transportation 2345567
  能源     Energy 1018461
  城市基础设施     Infrastructure in city 1414524
  生态环境及地质灾害防治     Environment and Geological Disasters Prevented 436102
  水利基础设施     Facilities of water 268713
  社会事业     Social Service 350882
  科技     Scientific Technology 14302
  社会文化旅游     Social and cultural tourism 269841
  工业项目     Industry 2202692
  农业产业     Agriculture 37213
  商贸流通     The flow of Commercial Trade  43633
  城市拆迁及旧城改造     Urban demolition and transformation of the old city 620564