42  全社会固定资产投资20062007
Total Investment in Fixed Assets (2006-2007)
指   标 Item 投资额 构成(%
Investment Composition(%)
2006 2007 2006 2007
投资总额(万元) Total Investment (10 000 yuan) 24518351 31615147 100.0 100.0
按隶属关系分 By Administrative Relationship
中央项目 Central 2534024 2594082 10.3 8.2
Local (including non-relationship) 21984327 29021065 89.7 91.8
按登记注册类型分 By Registration
内 资 Domestic-funded 23097451 29321587 94.2 92.7
#国 有     State-owned 10219239 12551060 41.7 39.7
  集 体     Collective-owned 383345 497937 1.6 1.6
  联 营     Joint-owned 62156 92315 0.3 0.3
  股份制     Share  Holding 7208381 8796251 29.4 27.8
  私营个体     Individual 4939191 7036673 20.1 22.3
  其 他     Others 285139 347351 1.2 1.1
港澳台投资经济 Funded by Entrepreneurs from
  Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
860313 1254632 3.5 4.0
外商投资经济 Foreign-funded 560587 1038928 2.3 3.3
按城乡分 By Rural and Urban Area
城 镇 Urban  22914581 29713639 93.5 94.0
#房地产开发  Real Estate Development 6296300 8498966 25.7 26.9
农 村 Rural 1603770 1901508 6.5 6.0
#农 户  Rural Households 771833 740000 3.1 2.3
按构成分 By Use of Funds
建筑工程 Construction 13546001 18316566 55.2 57.9
安装工程 Installation 1704558 1921745 7.0 6.1
设备工具器具购置 Purchase of Equipment and Instruments 3530668 4438013 14.4 14.0
其他费用 Others 5737124 6938823 23.4 21.9
新增固定资产(万元) Newly Increased Fixed Assets
  (10 000 yuan)
13817208 18087476
固定资产交付使用率(% Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use (%) 56.4 57.2
房屋建筑面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings (10 000 sq.m)
施工面积 Floor Space under Construction 14993.22 16278.44
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 9693.40 10911.88
竣工面积 Floor Space Completed 5978.79 5522.74
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 4097.64 3809.60