44  按资金来源分的全社会固定资产投资20062007
Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Source of Funds (2006-2007)
单位:万元           (10 000 yuan)

#农 户
Rural  Rural Households
2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007
本年资金来源合计 Total of Source of funds in this
28755092 39535447 1621680 1927872 771833 740000
上年末结余资金 Balance of Funds Brought Forward
  from the Previous Year
2347950 2846082 5028 13560
本年资金来源小计 Subtotal of Source of Funds in
  this Year
26407142 36689365 1616652 1914312 771833 740000
  国家预算内资金     State  Budgetary  Appropriation 1459103 1989354 70558 97656
  国内贷款     Domestic  Loans 7000769 8101593 52821 72271
  债 券     Bonds 352062 44585 2000
  利用外资     Foreign  Investment 281787 947489 2220 508
  自筹资金     Self-raised Funds 11384214 15434489 1365348 1531678 771833 740000
  其他资金来源     Others 5929207 10171855 125705 210199    
Note: Source of funds of rural households is adjusted from others to self-raised funds.

城镇建设与改造 房地产开发
Urban Construction
and Innovation
Real Estate
2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007
本年资金来源合计 Total of Source of funds in this
27133412 37607575 17147974 22060878 9985438 15546697
上年末结余资金 Balance of Funds Brought Forward
  from the Previous Year
2342922 2832522 601087 862786 1741835 1969736
本年资金来源小计 Subtotal of Source of Funds in
  this Year
24790490 34775053 16546887 21198092 8243603 13576961
  国家预算内资金     State  Budgetary  Appropriation 1388545 1891698 1388545 1891698
  国内贷款     Domestic  Loans 6947948 8029322 5150075 5511061 1797873 2518261
  债 券     Bonds 352062 42585 352062 42585
  利用外资     Foreign  Investment 279567 946981 234461 797912 45106 149069
  自筹资金     Self-raised Funds 10018866 13902811 7612362 10315326 2406504 3587485
  其他资金来源     Others 5803502 9961656 1809382 2639510 3994120 7322146