49  按行业分的城镇建设与改造投资2007
Investment in Urban Constrction and Innovation by Sector (2007)
单位:万元   (10 000 yuan)
Project under
Completed in
Current Year
总  计 Total 6427 78246983 21214673
第一产业 Primary Industry 285 1484537 491609
第二产业 Secondary Industry 3089 35178077 10246465
 工 业     Industry 2996 34825581 10021382
  采矿业         Mining and Quarrying 268 1874167 817187
  #石油和天然气开采业             Petroleum and Natural Gas Mining 14 791836 326023
        制造业          Manufacturing 2358 23432216 7069324
  #化学原料及化学制品制造业             Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 168 2675486 867469
   医药制造业             Medical Materials and Medicines 82 555574 185662
   通用设备制造业             Ordinary Equipment 183 760036 397545
   专用设备制造业             Special Equipment 95 893606 246143
   交通设备制造业             Transport Equipment 495 5044138 1551377
        电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业         Electricity, Gas & Water Production and Supply 370 9519198 2134871
   电力、热力的生产和供应业             Electricity & Hot Power Production and Supply 181 7921231 1737902
   燃气生产和供应业             Gas Production and Supply 60 300050 99153
   水的生产和供应业             Water Production and Supply 129 1297917 297816
    建筑业     Construction 93 352496 225083
第三产业 Tertiary Industry 3053 41584369 10476599
 交通运输、仓储及邮政业     Transportation, Storage, Postal Services 473 13879367 3392604
 #邮政业         Postal Services 3 33007 9444
 信息传输、计算机服务和软件业     Data Transmission, Computer Service and
464 570134 423298
 #电信和其他信息传输服务业         Telecommunications and Other Information
          Transmission Services
463 529871 421670
 批发与零售业     Wholesale and Retail Trade 83 417454 163064
 住宿和餐饮业     Hotels and Restaurants 85 612331 176711
 金融业     Financing 12 56270 37206
 房地产业     Real Estate 323 2198921 845942
 租赁与商务服务业     Renting and Business Activities 31 464472 138985
 科学研究、技术服务与地质勘查业     Scientific Research, Technical Services and
      Geological Prospecting
22 164612 47036
 水利、环境和公共设施管理业     Administration of Water Conservancy, Environment
      and Public Utilities
844 18301737 3764111
 居民服务和其他服务业     Household Services and Other Services 16 56897 17895
 教 育     Education 251 2368889 731562
 卫生、社会保障和社会福利业     Public Health, Social Security and Social Welfare 117 508487 184362
 #卫 生         Public Health 102 484387 178542
 文化、体育与娱乐业     Culture, Sports and Entertainment 82 1367262 247040
 公共管理与社会组织     Public Administration and Social Organizations 250 617536 306783