514  工业污染治理项目及投资情况20062007
Investment in Anti-industrial Pollution Projects (2006-2007)
      Item 2006 2007
企业数(个) Number of Enterprises (unit) 128 221
施工项目数(个) Projects under Construction (unit) 178 299
治理废水 Treatment of Waste Water 70 93
治理废气 Treatment of Waste Gas 70 163
治理固体废物 Treatment of Solid Wastes 7 7
治理噪声 Treatment of Noise Pollution 12 8
治理其他 Treatment of Other Pollution 19 28
资金来源合计(万元) Total Funds (10 000 yuan) 36742 100070
国家预算内资金 National Budgetary Assets
环境保护补助资金 Subsidies for Environmental Protection 5730 9055
环保贷款 Loans for Environmental Protection 835 1500
其 他 Others 30177 89515
资金使用合计(万元) Total Expenditures (10 000 yuan) 36742 100070
治理废水 Treatment of Waste Water 18347 30203
治理废气 Treatment of Waste Gas 15463 58654
治理固体废物 Treatment of Solid Wastes 833 4233
治理噪声 Treatment of Noise Pollution 638 571
治理其他 Treatment of Other Pollution 1461 6409
本年竣工项目数(个) Number of Projects Completed (unit) 167 260
Newly Designed Treatment and Utilization Capacity of Waste Water,
  Waste Gas & Solid Wastes of Completed Projects in the Year
废水(吨/日) Waste Water (ton/day) 164928 119654
废气(万标立方米/时) Waste Gas  (10 000 cu.m/hour) 165 362
固体废物(吨/日) Solid Wastes (ton/day) 350 5900