52  规模以上工业按行业分的能源消费量20062007 Energy Consumption by Industrial Sector above Designated Size (2006-2007)
        Sector 原煤
Diesel Oil
Natural Gas
(10 000 cu.m)
(10 000 kwh)
2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007
工业消费总量 Total Industry Consumption 27514846 33227807 1783228 1867983 77443 73865 6731 7588 206496 233662 275659 327886 2328248 2813099
采矿业 Mining and Quarrying 8641425 10073960 7833 29407 2591 3892 137 148 16052 18894 3940 3917 118452 147387
#煤炭开采和洗选业  Coal Mining and Dressing  8259444 9648341 163 297 2205 3314 137 148 5852 8287 173 47 83993 111095
 石油和天然气开采业  Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 69 75 50 65 3600 3650 1017 1238
 黑色金属矿采选业  Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 138182 121332 7670 29110 206 356 3556 3888 167 220 11087 12328
 有色金属矿采选业  Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 347 4998 6 21 14 23 169 385
 非金属矿采选业  Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing 243452 299289 105 126 6580 6631 22186 22342
制造业 Manufacturing 7889966 9147676 1775395 1838576 44711 64576 6591 7440 161711 188322 269733 323527 1711075 2079980
    农副食品加工业     Farm Products and By-food Processing 45626 61610 46 655 1418 107 106 884 1346 720 959 12010 20870
    食品制造业  Food Production 70774 72099 22 4336 932 2 11733 2313 1756 2005 8028 9798
    饮料制造业  Beverage Production 103963 120550 412 684 2747 55 1 951 1244 1058 1270 14595 20041
    烟草制品业  Tobacco Products 18495 19844 350 306 1 1 129 110 889 700 6292 6341
    纺织业     Textile Industry  297699 321155 400 733 2166 8 16 655 1041 1046 1351 36682 49220
    纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业     Garments, Shoes and Hats Production 104 175 135 265 2 1 102 89 83 154 628 1068
    Leather, Furs, Down and Related Products 1248 1578 241 428 41 69 26 84 2252 2668
    Timber Processing, Bamboo
      Cane Palm Fiber and
      Straw Products
17370 16475 42 99 65 202 8 62 2207 1807
    家具制造业     Furniture Manufacturing 2989 1593 217 232 367 266 9 18 1274 1779
    造纸及纸制品业     Papermaking and Paper Products 176812 178643 534 610 2 1 1169 1173 754 964 18045 22492
    印刷业、记录媒介的复制     Printing and Record Medium Reproduction 1895 2206 706 1033 21 5 151 350 204 361 3496 5912
    文教体育用品制造业  Cultural Educational and Sports Goods 1 1 17 36 2 18 16
 Petroleum, Coking and
      Nuclear Fuel Processing
153509 384020     19 176 21   157 458 35 51 5098 6756