59  环境保护情况20062007
Environmental Protection (2006-2007)
             Item 2006 2007
环保投资(亿元) Investment in Environmental Protection (100 million yuan) 84.64 108.20
水资源总量(万立方米) Water Resources(10 000 cu.m) 3803191 6629601
用水总量(万立方米) Water Use(10 000 cu.m) 732013 774281
生活污水排放量(万吨) Discharged Volume of Sanitary Sewage(10 000 tons) 62621 65238
化学需氧量排放量(万吨) Discharged Volume of COD (10 000 tons) 26.40 25.13
二氧化硫排放量(万吨) Discharged Volume of SO2 (10 000 tons) 85.95 82.62
#生活二氧化硫排放量(万吨)     Discharged Volume of SO2 from Living (10 000 tons) 14.87 14.31
饮用水源水质达标率(% Rate of Quality of Drinking Water Sources up to Standards (%) 98.6 99.4
工业污染治理施工项目数(个) On-going Projects of Industrial Pollution Treatment (unit) 178 299
工业污染治理项目完成投资(万元) Completed Investment in Projects of Industrial Pollution
  Treatment (10 000 yuan)
36742 100070
工业污染治理竣工项目数(个) Completed Projects of Industrial Pollution Treatment (unit) 167 260
工业废水排放达标率(% Rate of Waste Water up to Discharge Standard (%) 93.9 92.1
工业固体废物综合利用率(% Rate of Industrial Solid Wastes Comprehensively Utilized (%) 73.7 76.7
森林覆盖率(%) Forest Coverage(%) 32.0 32.0
自然保护区数(个) Number of Nature Reserves (unit) 50 51
自然保护区面积(万公顷) Are of Nature Reserves (10 000 hectares) 91.31 91.31
保护区面积占土地总面积比重(% Percentage of Nature Reserves in the Land Area (%) 11.08 11.08
主城区区域环境噪声平均值(分贝) Average Noises in Downtown (db) 54.4 54.5
主城区道路交通噪声(分贝) Traffic Noises in Downtown (db) 67.7 68.0
Annual Average Daily Inhalable Motes in Atmosphere in
  Downtown (mg/cu.m)
0.111 0.108
Annual Average Daily SO2 Concentration in Downtown
0.074 0.065
主城区二氧化氮年日均值(毫克/立方米) Annual Average Daily NO2 Concentration in Downtown
0.047 0.044
主城区环境空气质量优良天数比例(% Proportion of High Air Quality Days in Downtown (%)  78.6 79.2
Note:Data of forest coverage is from survey of forest resources  at the second category .The survey is one time sper 5 years.