63  财政收入20062007
Financial  Revenue (2006-2007)
单位:万元       (10 000 yuan)
            Item 2006 2007 指数 上年
Year in Same
财政收入 Financial Revenue 7421702 10572948 142.5
一、地方财政收入 Local Financial Revenue 5294579 7885604 148.9
#市 级  at Municipal Level 2970929 4284437 144.2
一般预算收入 General Budgetary Revenue 3177165 4427000 139.3
#市 级  at Municipal Level 1414756 2019656 142.8
工商各税 Industrial and Commercial Taxes 1924483 2598413 135.0
#增值税  Value-added Tax 387112 486387 125.6
    营业税  Operation Tax 858695 1171243 136.4
    企业所得税     Enterprise Income Tax 171603 258432 150.6
    个人所得税  Personal Income Tax 122390 160401 131.1
    资源税     Resource Tax 37745 42711 113.2
    城市维护建设税  Tax on City Maintenance and Construction 155131 198644 128.0
    房产税  Tax on Real Estates 65549 71509 109.1
    印花税     Stamp Tax 31553 39248 124.4
农业四税  4 Taxes on Agriculture 228079 346179 151.8
#农业税  Agricultural Tax 82
    契 税     Contract Tax 173331 290834 167.8
非税收入 Non-taxation Revenue 1024603 1482408 144.7
#国有资产经营收入     Revenue of State-owned Assets 114477 304209 265.7
    国有资源(资产)有偿使用收     Revenue of Compensable Use of State-owned Resources
     and Assets
38303 55264 144.3
    行政性收费收入     Revenue of Administrative Fees 595151 812049 136.4
    罚没收入     Revenue of Penalties 95370 99143 104.0
    专项收入     Expert Project Revenue 156487 182646 116.7
基金预算收入 Fund Budgetary Revenue 2117414 3458604 163.3
#养路费     Revenue for road Maintenance 115434 136031 117.8
    国有土地使用权出让金     Revenue of the Right of Use of State-owned Land 1651203 2759480 167.1
    新增建设用地土地有偿使用费     Revenue of Compensable Use of add-land for
148025 93844 63.4
二、中央四税收入 Revenue of 4 Central Level Taxes 1944772 2491920 128.1
  增值税收入     Revenue of Value-added Tax 1161335 1459160 125.6
  消费税收入     Revenue of Consumption Tax 346035 424197 122.6
  企业所得税收入     Revenue of Enterprise Income Tax 253809 367969 145.0
  个人所得税收入     Revenue of Personal Income Tax 183593 240594 131.0
三、其他中央收入 Other Central Level Revenue 182351 195424 107.2
#车辆购置税     Tax of Vehicle Purchasing 103314 136211 131.8
Note:  Other central level revenue excludes tariff.The subjects of fund budgetary revenue are adjusted in 2007.