64  财政支出20062007
Financial  Expenditures (2006-2007)
单位:万元       (10 000 yuan)
        Item 2006 2007 指数 上年
Year in Same
地方财政支出 Local Financial Expenditures 8201936 11023545 134.4
#市      at Municipal Level 3118143 4138032 135.5
  一般预算支出     General Budgetary Expenditures 5942543 7683886 129.3
  #市          at Municipal Level 1998600 2511193 130.0
一般公共服务 Public Service 928000 1113710 120.0
公共安全 Public Safety 476709 553950 116.2
教育 Education 884426 1215466 137.4
科学技术 Scientific Technology 79537 110513 138.9
文化体育与传媒 Culture,Sports and Media 67977 105811 155.7
社会保障和就业 Social Insurance and Employment 1108304 1389682 125.4
医疗卫生 Public Health 215028 339705 158.0
环境保护 Environmental Protection 271918 382541 140.7
城乡社区事务 Community Work 663208 910845 137.3
农林水事务 Farming,Forestry,Irrigation  415628 559657 134.7
交通运输 Transportation 222251 360848 162.4
工业商业金融等事务 Industry,Business,Finance and so on 305482 510235 167.0
其他支出 Others 304075 130923 43.1
  基金预算支出     Fund Budgetary Expenditures 2259393 3339659 147.8
    文体与传媒         Culture,Sports and Media 10189 7702 75.6
    社会保障和就业         Social Insurance and Employment 12188 12603 103.4
    城乡社区事务         Community Work 1792721 2720948 151.8
    农林水事务         Farming,Forestry,Irrigation  32689 58702 179.6
    交通运输         Transportation 199405 246708 123.7
    工业商业等事务         Industry,Business and so on 186828 188000 100.6
    其他基金         Others 25373 104996 413.8
Note:  The subjects of fund budgetary expenditures are adjusted in 2007.