68  地税税收收入20062007
Revenue of Local Taxation (2006-2007)
单位:万元     (10 000 yuan)
                Item 2006 2007
税收收入合计 Total 1660513 2245537
#中央级  Central Level 243755 325216
 重庆市级  Chongqing Municipal Level 658627 894247
 区县级  Distirct Level 758131 1026074
按税种分 By Classification
营业税 Operation Tax 858693 1171243
企业所得税 Enterprise Income Tax 181691 233743
外商投资企业和外国企业所得税 Tax on Foreign-funded Enterprise Income
个人所得税 Personal Income Tax 224558 308283
资源税 Resource Tax 37745 42711
固定资产投资方向调节税 Tax on Adjustment Investment in Fixed Assets
城市维护建设税 Tax on City Maintenance and Construction 155128 198643
房产和城市房地产税 Tax on Real Estates and Land 65551 71510
印花税 Stamp Tax 31553 39248
城镇土地使用税 Tax on Using Urban Land  44602 84565
土地增值税 Value-added Tax on Land 43844 73648
车船使用和牌照税 Tax on Using Vehicles & Vessels and Licences 6381 11749
屠宰税 Slaughter Tax
烟叶税 Tobacco Tax 10767 10194
按行业分 By Sector
第一产业 Primary Industry
第二产业 Secondary Industry 600040 777251
 工   Industry 289307 374160
 建筑业  Construction 310733 403091
第三产业 Tertiary Industry 1060473 1468286
 交通运输仓储及邮政业  Transportation, Storage and Postal Services 87689 114138
 批发和零售业  Wholesale and retail Trade 83556 104725
 金融业  Financing 144469 214071
 信息传输、计算机服务和软件业  Data Transmission, Computer Service and Software 47179 48307
 住宿和餐饮业  Hotels and Catering Trade 47292 56546
 文化、体育和娱乐业  Culture, Sports and Entertainment 11249 14696
 租赁和商务服务业  Renting and Business Activities 160690 203678
 房地产业  Real Estate 341498 546538
 其他行业  Other Sectors 136851 165587