71  城乡居民物质文化生活情况20062007
Material and Cultural Life of Urban & Rural Residents (2006-2007)
                     Item 2006 2007
每一城市就业者负担人数(人) Number of Dependents Per Urban Employee (person) 1.80 1.75
每一农村劳动力负担人数(人) Number of Dependents Per Rural Labor (person) 1.31 1.31
城镇登记失业率(% Urban Registered Unemployment Rate (%) 4.00 3.98
收入和支出 Income and Expenditure
职工平均工资(元) Annual Average Wages of Staff and Workers (yuan) 19215 23098
城市居民人均可支配收入(元) Annual Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households (yuan) 11569.74 13715.25
农民人均纯收入(元) Annual Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households (yuan) 2873.83 3509.29
城市居民人均消费性支出(元) Annual Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households
9398.69 10876.12
农村居民人均生活消费支出(元) Annual Per Capita Living Expenditure of Rural Households (yuan) 2205.21 2526.70
城市居民家庭恩格尔系数(% Engle Coefficient of Urban Households (%) 36.3 37.0
农村居民家庭恩格尔系数(% Engle Coefficient of Rural Households (%) 52.2 54.5
人均储蓄存款余额(元) Per Capita Balance of Saving Deposits (yuan) 9219 9978
住房(抽样调查) Housing (sample survey)
城市人均房屋建筑面积(平方米) Per Capita Residential Floor Space of Urban Residents (sq.m) 24.52 27.31
农村人均住房面积(平方米) Per Capita Floor Space of Rural Residents (sq.m) 34.30 34.56
交通邮 Transportation, Postal and Telecommunication Services
城镇每万人拥有公共车辆(标台) Number of buses Per 10 000 Persons in Cities and Towns (unit) 8.35 7.59
人均道路面积(平方米) Per Capita Area of Paved Roads (sq.m) 8.58 8.42
每万人拥有电话(部) Number of Telephones Per 10 000 Persons (unit) 6375 6747
每人平均交寄函件(件) Number of Letters Mailed Per Person (unit) 3.40 2.34
城市公用事业 Public Utilities in Urban Areas
用水普及率(% Percentage of Population with Access to Tap Water (%) 88.16 88.32
燃气普及率(% Percentage of Population with Access to Gas (%) 81.5 84.9
人均公共绿地面积(平方米) Per Capita Public Green Land (sq.m) 6.59 6.97
学龄儿童入学率(% Enrollment Ratio of School-age Children (%) 99.92 99.96
每万人口中在校大学生(人) Number of Undergraduates Per 10 000 Persons (person) 128 139
每百户城市家庭拥有彩色电视机(台) Number of Color TV Sets Per 100  Urban Households (unit) 164.33 159.92
每百户农村家庭拥有电视机(台) Number of TV Sets Per  100 Rural Households (unit) 105.78 102.72
广播人口覆盖率(% Broadcasting Covering Rate of Population (%) 92.57 92.63
电视人口覆盖率(% TV Covering Rate of Population (%) 96.02 96.03
        Public Health
每万人拥有医院、卫生院病床(张) Number of Hospital Beds Per 10 000 Persons (unit) 20.38 25.20
每万人拥有执业(助理)医师(人) Number of Certified (Assistant) Doctors Per 10 000 Persons (person) 11.73 11.97