718  主要年份居民消费价格总指数和商品零售价格总指数
General Indices of Consumer Price and
Retail Price in Major Years
  1950年为100 1978年为100 以上年为100
1950=100 1978=100 Preceding Year=100
Year General Consumer
Price Index
General Retail
Price Index
General Consumer
Price Index
General Retail
Price Index
General Consumer
Price Index
General Retail
Price Index
1952 106.1 108.7 97.3 97.2
1957 114.0 116.5 104.6 103.9
1962 145.8 158.1 95.2 95.0
1965 125.1 133.1 98.0 98.2
1970 129.2 137.9 99.6 99.5
1975 131.2 140.2 100.3 100.3
1978 135.4 145.1 100.0 100.0 102.9 103.2
1980 148.3 160.1 109.5 110.3 107.9 108.6
1985 179.4 191.7 132.4 132.0 109.9 110.0
1986 186.9 199.8 138.0 137.5 104.2 104.2
1987 205.2 220.8 151.5 151.9 109.8 110.5
1988 251.8 272.2 185.9 187.3 122.7 123.3
1989 294.9 317.1 217.7 218.2 117.1 116.5
1990 299.0 317.4 220.7 218.4 101.4 100.1
1991 319.9 336.8 236.1 231.7 107.0 106.1
1992 355.7 369.8 262.5 254.4 111.2 109.8
1993 422.2 430.1 311.6 295.9 118.7 116.3
1994 547.6 544.1 404.1 374.3 129.7 126.5
1995 653.8 632.8 482.5 435.3 119.4 116.3
1996 717.2 671.4 529.3 461.9 109.7 106.1
1997 741.2 682.6 546.8 470.4 103.3 101.7
1998 714.5 645.1 527.1 444.5 96.4 94.5
1999 709.5 622.5 523.4 428.9 99.3 96.5
2000 686.1 594.5 506.1 409.6 96.7 95.5
2001 697.8 588.6 514.7 405.5 101.7 99.0
2002 695.0 582.1 512.6 401.0 99.6 98.9
2003 699.2 579.2 515.7 399.0 100.6 99.5
2004 725.1 587.3 534.8 404.6 103.7 101.4
2005 730.9 579.7 539.1 399.3 100.8 98.7
2006 748.4 589.0 552.0 405.7 102.4 101.6
2007 783.6 610.8 577.9 420.7 104.7 103.7