7-20 商品零售价格分类指数(2006-2007年) |
Retail Price Indices By Category of Commodities (2006-2007) |
(上年=100) |
(preceding year=100) |
目 |
Item |
2006 |
2007 |
商品零售价格总指数 |
General Retail Price Index |
101.6 |
103.7 |
食 品 |
Food |
103.1 |
114.4 |
饮料、烟酒 |
Beverages, Tobacco and Liquor |
100.4 |
103.0 |
服装、鞋帽 |
Garments, Shoes and Hats |
98.4 |
94.2 |
纺织品 |
Textiles |
93.6 |
95.8 |
家用电器及音像器材 |
Household Appliances and Video
Materials |
96.3 |
97.6 |
文化办公用品 |
Cultural and Office Articles |
100.0 |
99.3 |
日用品 |
Articles for Daily Use |
101.0 |
101.7 |
体育娱乐用品 |
Sports and Amusement Articles |
98.1 |
95.0 |
交通、通信用品 |
Transport and Telecommunication
Articles |
88.8 |
88.6 |
家 具 |
Furniture |
100.5 |
101.0 |
化妆品 |
Cosmetics |
98.5 |
99.0 |
金银珠宝 |
Gold, Silver and Jewelry |
123.5 |
106.5 |
中西药品及医疗保健用品 |
Traditional Chinese &
Western Medicines and Medical Articles |
100.2 |
98.9 |
书报杂志及电子出版物 |
Magazines and Electronic Publications |
100.5 |
100.0 |
燃 料 |
Fuels |
116.5 |
106.0 |
建筑材料及五金电料 |
Building Materials and Hardware
& Electric Materials |
106.4 |
109.2 |