722 农产品生产价格指数(2004-2007)
Indices of Producers' Price for Farm Products (2004-2007)
 (上年=100)       (preceding year=100)
    Item 2004 2005 2006 2007
合计 Total 125.5 100.0 93.6 121.8
农业产品 Agriculture Products 120.3 102.2 100.4 108.6
#谷物   Cereal 139.6 101.3 97.3 108.2
    #小麦     Wheat 131.6 102.7 95.1 103.9
        稻谷      Rice 141.5 101.2 97.8 108.2
        玉米      Corn 130.4 101.7 94.9 109.0
 大豆   Beans 122.1 97.4 100.0 107.9
 油料   Oil-bearing Crops 123.2 93.1 102.8 120.1
 蔬菜   Vegetable 106.0 103.8 102.5 109.8
 水果、坚果   Fruit 103.0 103.4 101.3 104.5
牧业(畜产品) Animal Husbandry Products 128.8 98.8 89.8 128.8
#活猪 (毛重)     Pig  (gross weight) 131.2 97.5 86.9 132.2
  活牛 (毛重)     Cattle and Buffaloes  (gross weight) 101.7 103.9 101.6 120.6
  活羊 (毛重)     Sheep and Goats  (gross weight) 111.1 102.8 101.2 108.0
  肉禽 (毛重)      Poultry  (gross weight) 117.2 104.3 100.2 116.2
  禽蛋     Eggs 111.9 103.9 98.9 110.1
渔业产品 Fishery Products 107.8 105.7 101.7 105.9
#淡水鱼类   Freshwater Fish 107.8 105.7 101.7 105.9