723  工业品出厂价格分类指数20062007
Ex-factory Price Indices of Industrial Products (2006-2007)
(上年=100   (preceding year=100)
              Item 2006 2007
工业品出厂价格总指数 Ex-factory Price Indices of Industrial Products 102.2 103.5
#轻工业     Light Industry 101.7 103.4
  以农产品为原料         Farm Products as Raw Materials 102.5 105.1
  以非农产品为原料         Non-farm Products as Raw Materials 101.4 102.7
 重工业     Heavy Industry 102.6 103.6
  采掘工业         Minming and Quarrying 103.2 107.5
  原材料工业         Raw Material Industry 103.9 105.8
  加工工业         Manufacturing Industry 102.0 102.3
#生产资料     Means of Production 102.8 103.7
  采掘工业         Minming and Quarrying 103.6 107.1
  原材料工业         Raw Material Industry 104.1 106.0
  加工工业         Manufacturing Industry 102.3 102.8
 生活资料     Consumer Goods 100.7 102.8
  食 品         Food 101.3 107.8
  衣 着         Clothing 103.4 100.6
  一般日用品         Articles for Daily Use 100.9 101.4
  耐用消费品         Durable Consumer Goods 100.1 100.4