73  城乡居民家庭人均收入及恩格尔系数19782007
Per Capita Annual Income and Engle Coefficient of
Urban and Rural Households (1978-2007)
  城市居民家庭人均可支配收入 农村居民家庭人均纯收入 城市居民家庭
Per Capital Annual Disposable Income
of Urban Households
Per Capital Annual Net Income
of Rural Households
Year 绝对数(元) 指数(1979=100  绝对数(元) 指数(1978=100  Engle Coefficient
of Urban
Households  (%)
Engle Coefficient
of Rural
Households (%)
Value  (yuan) Index   Value  (yuan) Index  
1978     126.01 100.0   74.0
1979 354.54 100.0 150.18 119.2 61.9 72.9
1980 411.47 116.1 163.33 129.6 52.8 68.1
1985 812.40 229.1 325.24 258.1 51.8 63.9
1986 983.99 277.5 358.86 284.8 53.1 63.4
1987 1108.71 312.7 385.82 306.2 52.4 62.2
1988 1277.89 360.4 457.54 363.1 51.6 60.5
1989 1448.98 408.7 510.09 404.8 57.4 61.7
1990 1691.13 477.0 586.73 465.6 54.6 63.6
1991 1891.90 533.6 628.89 499.1 52.9 63.8
1992 2195.33 619.2 677.46 537.6 54.3 62.8
1993 2780.62 784.3 748.08 593.7 52.9 61.3
1994 3634.33 1025.1 1018.24 808.1 53.7 63.5
1995 4375.43 1234.1 1270.41 1008.2 50.6 64.7
1996 5022.96 1416.8 1479.05 1173.8 50.2 63.2
1997 5302.05 1495.5 1692.36 1343.0 46.7 65.8
1998 5442.84 1535.2 1801.17 1429.4 45.6 61.3
1999 5828.43 1643.9 1835.54 1456.7 42.8 60.7
2000 6176.30 1742.1 1892.44 1501.8 42.2 53.6
2001 6572.30 1853.8 1971.18 1564.3 40.8 54.1
2002 7238.07 2041.5 2097.58 1664.6 38.0 55.8
2003 8093.67 2282.9 2214.55 1757.4 38.0 52.5
2004 9220.96 2600.2 2510.41 1992.2 37.8 56.0
2005 10243.99 2889.4 2809.32 2229.4 36.4 52.8
2006 11569.74 3263.3 2873.83 2280.6 36.3 52.2
2007 13715.25 3868.5 3509.29 2784.9 37.0 54.5