75  城市居民家庭基本情况20062007
Basic Statistics on Urban Households (2006-2007)
     Item 2006 2007
平均每户就业人数(人) Average Number of Employees Per Household (person) 1.72 1.70
#国有经济单位     State-owned 1.03 0.90
 城镇集体经济单位     Urban Collective-owned 0.10 0.08
 城镇个体私营经济     Urban Individual and Private 0.26 0.31
平均每人全年总收入(元) Per Capita Total Annual Income (yuan) 12548.91 14754.38
#可支配收入     Disposable Income 11569.74 13715.25
工薪收入 Income from Wages 9266.42 10907.23
#工资及补贴收入     Wage and Subsidies 9094.25 10696.88
经营净收入 Net Business Income 525.23 599.29
财产性收入 Property Income 192.87 248.72
转移性收入 Transfer Income 2564.39 2999.13
平均每人全年消费支出(元) Per Capita Annual Living  Expenditures for Consumption (yuan) 9398.69 10876.12
#服务性消费支出  Expenditure for Services 2969.28 3132.01
食 品 Food 3415.92 4024.76
#粮 食     Grain 212.43 254.65
衣 着 Clothing 1038.98 1317.93
#服 装     Garments 764.33 964.61
家庭设备用品及服务 Household Appliances & Articles and Services 615.74 723.50
医疗保健 Medicine and Medical Services 705.72 812.32
交通和通讯 Transportation and Communications 976.02 1271.44
教育娱乐文化服务 Educational, Recreational and Cultural Services 1449.49 1439.32
#教 育     Education 816.61 724.13
居 住 Residence 954.56 981.38
#住 房     Housing 302.46 295.04
杂项商品与服务 Miscellaneous Commodities and Services 242.26 305.47