78  城市居民家庭平均每人全年消费支出及构成2007
Per Capita Annual Expenditures of Urban
Households and Its Composition (2007)
    Item 总平均 最低收入户   低收入户 中等偏下户
Overall Average Lowest Income Households Difficult Households Low Income Households Medium Income by Lower Households
消费支出(元) Expenditures for Consumption (yuan) 10876.12 5793.38 5268.82 7181.80 9024.66
#服务性消费支出  Expenditure for Services 3132.01 1407.34 1292.65 1888.81 2575.82
食 品 Food 4024.76 2754.58 2579.34 3136.52 3714.78
#粮油类     Grain and Oils 497.59 444.79 438.73 444.14 503.21
 #粮 食         Grain 254.65 212.90 208.62 227.56 255.25
 肉禽蛋水产品类     Meat, Poultry, Eggs and Aquatic Products 1136.27 898.13 908.14 951.68 1094.11
 #肉 类          Meat 614.72 515.77 519.67 530.13 607.01
 蔬菜类     Vegetable 382.62 362.23 348.94 346.67 380.94
 糖烟酒饮料类     Sugar, Cigarettes, Alcohol and Drinks 418.89 235.78 186.81 293.84 384.63
 糕点、奶及奶制品     Cakes, Milk and Dairy Products 271.14 166.11 149.21 236.91 248.97
衣 着 Clothing 1317.93 545.98 454.76 812.94 972.73
#服 装     Garments 964.61 371.31 306.90 546.64 705.99
家庭设备用品及服务 Household Appliances & Articles and
723.50 280.14 222.18 348.70 528.63
医疗保健 Medicine and Medical Services 812.32 391.79 331.65 420.66 741.80
交通和通讯 Transportation and Communications 1271.44 479.89 317.79 675.59 833.52
教育娱乐文化服务 Educational, Recreational and Cultural
1439.32 720.71 746.79 951.56 1147.04
#教 育     Education 724.13 523.74 582.60 656.83 664.71
居 住 Residence 981.38 511.57 512.59 624.03 915.32
#住 房     Housing 295.04 68.24 90.47 121.73 294.04
杂项商品与服务 Miscellaneous Commodities and Services 305.47 108.71 103.72 211.80 170.84
消费支出构成(% Composition of Living Expenditures for
  Consumption (%)
100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
#服务性消费支出  Expenditure for Services 28.8 24.3 24.5 26.3 28.5
食 品 Food 37.0 47.5 49.0 43.7 41.2
衣 着 Clothing 12.1 9.4 8.6 11.3 10.8
家庭设备用品及服务 Household Appliances & Articles and
6.7 4.8 4.2 4.9 5.9
医疗保健 Medicine and Medical Services 7.5 6.8 6.3 5.9 8.2
交通和通讯 Transportation and Communications 11.7 8.3 6.0 9.4 9.2
教育娱乐文化服务 Educational, Recreational and Cultural
13.2 12.4 14.2 13.2 12.7
居 住 Residence 9.0 8.8 9.7 8.7 10.1
杂项商品与服务 Miscellaneous Commodities and Services 2.8 1.9 2.0 2.9 1.9