84  城镇园林绿化20062007
Parks, Gardens and Green Areas in Urban Area (2006-2007)
Total  Total of Districts
2006 2007 2006 2007
绿化覆盖面积(公顷) Coverage Area of Afforestation (hectare) 24308 32328 20124 26978
#建成区     Developed Area 18601 26159 14805 21229
园林绿地面积(公顷) Area of Gardens and Green Area (hectare) 21463 28870 17827 24185
#建成区     Developed Area 17010 23586 13735 19300
公共绿地面积(公顷) Area of Public Green Area (hectare) 6474 7977 5370 6479
动物园、公园个数(个) Number of Parks and Zoos (unit) 136 135 97 102
动物园、公园面积(公顷) Area of Parks and Zoos  (hectare) 2504 3344 2083 2786