85  城镇供水及供气情况20062007
Water and Gas Supply in Urban Area (2006-2007)
Total  Total of Districts
2006 2007 2006 2007
城镇供水 Water Supply in Urban Area
Year-end Comprehensive Productive Capacity
  of Water Supply (10 000 cu.m/day)
467.90 505.81 391.80 419.20
年末供水管道长度(公里) Year-end Length of Water Supply Pipelines (km) 9493 10388 7290 7554
供水总量(万立方米) Total Volume of Water Supply (10 000 cu.m) 86142 82751 75455 69497
#生产运营用水    Production and Operation 22335 23654 20515 20866
    公共服务用水     Public Services 7816 8328 6698 7058
    居民家庭用水     Households 42279 39548 36452 32841
    消防及其他用水     Fires and Other Purposes 7532 11221 7046 8732
用水户数(户) Households with Access to Tap  Water
2084267 2240247 1539405 1671395
#家庭用户     Residential Households 1808544 1810670 1359753 1314865
用水人口(万人) Number of Residents with Access to Tap Water
  (10 000 persons)
866.57 1011.49 677.50 779.05
城镇供气 Gas Supply in Urban Area
天然气供气总量(万立方米) Total  Natural Gas Supply (10 000 cu.m) 223015 204679 173926 175128
#家庭用量     Used by Residential Households 76336 68685 54789 54973
天然气用气户数(户) Households with Access to Natural Gas
2454389 2658805 2007551 2180725
#家庭用户     Residential Households 2357557 2504745 1924685 2036512
天然气用气人口(万人) Population with Access to Natural Gas
  (10 000 persons)
668.16 780.21 545.11 640.24
天然气汽车加气站(个) Natural Gas Stations for Motor Vehicles (unit) 58 66 50 55
液化石油气供气总量(吨) Total  Liquefied Petroleum Gas Supply (ton) 97095 104944 73506 81624
#家庭用量     Used by Residential Households 60649 68506 42203 50286
液化石油气用气户数(户) Households with Access to Liquefied Petroleum
  Gas (household)
545159 668896 36618 271118
#家庭用户     Residential Households 453703 389469 302418 169723
液化石油气用气人口(万人) Population with Access to Liquefied Petroleum
  Gas (10 000 persons)
132.44 192.23 86.29 112.50