86  城镇公共交通情况20062007
Public Traffic in Urban Area (2006-2007
Total  Total of Districts
2006 2007 2006 2007
营运客车 Operating Public Vehicles
年末营运线路网长度(公里) Year-end Length of Public Transportation
  Routes (km)
2891 3280 2589 2939
运营车数(辆) Year-end Operating Public Buses  (vehicle) 8499 9019 7907 8411
#天然气燃料车     Vehicles of Natural Gas  7381 7752 7085 7390
客运量(万人次) Passengers Traffic (10 000 person-times) 131191 153193 125412 146766
  Light Rail Transits
通车里程(公里) Length of  Light Rail Transits in Operation 17 17 17 17
车辆数(辆) Number of Vehicles (vehicle) 52 60 52 60
客运量(万人次) Passengers Traffic (10 000 person-times) 2202 3347 2202 3347
缆 车 Cable Cars
缆车道条数(条) Number of Cable Car Line (line) 4 5 4 5
车辆数(辆) Number of Vehicles (vehicle) 6 10 6 10
客运量(万人次) Passengers Traffic (10 000 person-times) 73 445 73 445
客运架空索道 Ropeway of Building on Stilts
索道条数(条) Number of Ropeway (line) 2 2 2 2
客车数(辆) Number of Vehicles (vehicle) 4 4 4 4
客运量(万人次) Passengers Traffic (10 000 person-times) 164 202 164 202
轮 渡 Ferries
年末实有轮渡总数(艘) Year-end Total Ferries (vessel) 55 81 35 66
出租汽车 Taxis
车辆数(辆) Number of Vehicles (vehicle) 19375 20002 16594 17208