88  城镇房屋及居住情况20062007
Statistics on Buildings and Housing in Urban Area (2006-2007)
Total  Total of Districts
2006 2007 2006 2007
房屋状况(万平方米) Conditions of Buildings (10 000 sq.m)
年末实有房屋建筑面积 Year-end Total Available Floor Space of
  Building Construction
39831.34 42102.30 31216.08 32484.27
#住 宅     Residential Buildings 26228.34 27775.08 20373.50 21249.96
 #自有(私有)住宅         Self-owned (private) 21679.24 23998.45 16467.33 18136.54
年末实有住宅套数(套 Year-end Total Number of Available
  Apartment Buildings (set)
2762089 3034608 2225379 2419505
年末成套住宅建筑面积 Year-end Total Floor Space of Apartment
22270.51 23676.03 17410.76 18211.82
年末危险房屋建筑面积 Year-end Total Floor Space of Dangerous
  Building Construction
#住 宅     Residential Buildings
居住状况 Conditions of Housing
居住户数(万户) Households of Housing (10 000 households) 296.80 291.50 236.12 224.86
Per Capita Floor Space of Residential
  Buildings (sq.m/person)
31.36 31.67 31.12 31.17
户均住宅套数(套/户) Average Number of Apartments Per
  Household (set/household)
0.93 1.04 0.94 1.08