91  国有土地使用权出让与划拨情况20062007
Transactions and Allotment of Right
of Use for State-owned Land (2006-2007)
         Item 2006 2007
土地使用权出让 Transaction of Right of Use for State-owned Land
地块(宗) Land Site (case) 3152 2289
面积(公顷) Land Area (hectare) 5950.95 4503.00
出让金总额(亿元) Total Value of Transaction (100 million yuan) 108.35 166.77
土地使用权划拨 Allotment of Right of Use for State-owned Land
地块(宗) Land Site (case) 1361 814
面积(公顷) Land Area (hectare) 1566.17 2058.68